BB Kaczor

talking about 6 months or something about him and his cheats.. even when it was on pub...

shame on admins...

frop your time for a gif...
You never said shit about him, gg.
also noticed kaufje is banned, oh why :(
cause he played with known cheaters...
[Reason: knowingly playing with a banned player] (2 weeks)
If you saw his name, than your brain should be able too see the sentence above.
So funny, but there is a little fail in your "brain" story.

I was looking at CG group at crossfire where is list of all banned players and there are not any details, so shut the fuck up you low piece of shit.
Haha 2 years and 4 month officially on Crossfire, yet you don't even know how a LINK (url) looks on Crossfire?
Well, we both know you do know.
This makes you to dumb to click on that page you mentionned, on Kaczor's name.
Since that website of CG is shitty designed (CSS), you probably are able to read a part why he is bannend. But just enough to understand it, but probably you didn't even know how to see how long he's banned, right?
There you need to press F12 for.

No problem, everyone has his 10-year-old days. You're just showing it a bit to much, mate.
I suggest you edit your previous post, because that post made you even dumber.
Only defence you can have now is: I was to lazy to press that OBVIOUS link on his name.

Take that as defence pls. Just do it, before you look more like a fool.

Quote by Bobika's teacher
[Reason: knowingly playing with a banned player] (2 weeks)
If you saw his name, than your brain should be able too see the sentence above.

So sad, had to explain to you how to actually see that info...
Just proved how dumb you are, while you tried to prove otherwise. Quite funny actually :D
You are trying so hard yet you are still wrong.

Does it make you feel bad? It should.
You disappoint me.
Are you getting bullied in real life?
Would explain why you are trying to be so though and why you are so stubborn to not admit you are retarded (on the net)

No problem mate. We laugh with people from Eastern Bloc, they usually seem more retarded and more wannabe though than us from the West.
My best guess is you're younger as Kapot aren't you?
Would explain how you handled NBS few months ago.

I'll let you be. Go be though on the internet 3/4 of your day, and 1/4 of the day do a 0.5€/hour job. You seem someone to retarded to find anything better.
Or like most from Eastern Bloc these days: Come to us, to clean our clothes, houses. Build our houses. Clean our sewers, etc. you get the picture? Do the nasty stuff.
Cu soon, cleaning my shoes for.

If you want a tip, I recommend you address me as "Sir".
Poor dumb idiot.

Almost, just almost... feel like I'm talking to Jon. A guy who never admits anything he did wrong. You need to wait months from someone who knows more about some stuff than him, to get a form of confirmation. Big difference is: you're nothing. just a rager with no life at all.
I shouldn't go hard on you (yes, joke on this. Would prove how old you are), but I just can't leave it be. Would have more fun if you were from .pl than I could give you official stats about how average dumber they are, and what the average job is they do as emigrants.
I almost consider you funny since you are wrong in so many aspects of your flame post.

Actually you are just proving that you are retarded by saying that I live in "Eastern bloc".

You are pathetic and should quit on life.
Dude, are you even kidding me?
You're doing this on purpose right?

Is it because your country lies in CENTRAL Europe you assume it's not a part of the Eastern Block?
Or are you trying to be smart and telling me Czech Republic never was a part of Eastern Block because it exist out of a Country (Czechoslovak Socialist Republic) that belonged to the Eastern Block?
W/e reason you have, your country still belongs as a country that belonged to the Eastern Block.

On the other side, how you could you possible know? People from there keep proving how dumb they are (well, most are). Even at the EU-confedarion atm your minister said some dub things. Would think a minister would be smart, but no...
Go crawl back to your low-payed jobs, and come f*cing clean my sh*t out of my toilet.
Did you get bullied in school or why this attention whoring?

You are almost like constan, but he's atleast funny. :-(
Noone, except Constan and you are watching this you fucking retard.
Go grow some pair of brains.

(Yes, brains come in two pairs, before you start to laugh about that and prove more you are so fucking retarded it gets funny and annoying at the same time).
Holy crap mate, I've never seen anyone so dumb online.
Only in real life, but they have a mental handicap.

dat zijn aardige boekjes glennetje hahahahah
Ja, khad wel wa zin om wa te lullen tegen die kerel.
What's so funny about it?
Quote29.01.14 00:30 CET

[7:30]: kitt disconnected

QuoteYou never said shit about him, gg.

Haha fucking great, knew I was right to kick him out of superteam pocalwinnermans
papatki kaczoreks!
expected, tho who cares about randoms who never improved over med- even with cheats.
If you call everyone a cheater of course you're gonna get a few right....
hm who is everyone?

and yep im so false with my thoughts about who is cheating and who is not..

anyway couldnt care less...
papa donald
who is he anyway? wtf is this randoms getting journals for getting banned, ET death
maybe that people know then to not play against him..
maybe... admins should listen to master kitt?
someone who played a few offis with your polish idols abject and hunter;
someone who has been cheating for ~7 months (kitt sent ohurcool a demo about him months ago) but got banned yesterday for "cheating on a public server"
lol ET so death that hunter plays offis with randoms like kaczor? xD
et dyed all ready
If it looks like a duck and walks etc. like a duck, it is a duck.
I used to say that bobika was the best inspector of ET, but is relegated of this rank, now you are the best Kitt.
cheater is cheater, no matter if random or low with cheats.. good job
owned him in csgo and et, np
shame on you kaczor!:D
-wylacz to typie
-ale ja na niczym nie gram
already won a match?

they won the 3on3 CG EU ET Season 1 2014 8th league :S
kenn ich nich
so admins are f3gots because they ban him for cheating. Is this soviet russia?
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