UseMe Wishes Great Autumn!

image: nXClW1gl

What if pink elephants, surrounded by tentacly creatures, can visualize their sense of smell as black air currents but only when they've eaten chocolate? What if the black air currents smell like purple hats on yellow cat's head? The mixture of cat's feces being vomited and gray sabertoothtentaclonator's mating call arouses green and purple snakes. Graffiti in the sky makes a person pee on the first green dog he sees. Is this why dog's nose is a meatball rolling with his own kind on an old man's cheek? Do Polish people hate black skaters?

Stop and pay attention to the eye. Yes, the red eye. The eyesocket offers great adventure. SS Useme seems to be at war against everything. The passengers, Ronsu and Pupup0x, are keeping their calm even though the sky has a mouth and a neck that transforms into an urinal that feeds the old man. The once so bright and transparent sea, has become pink over baby blood that's been poured by sinful teenager parents. Brown elephant is blushing of shame for being tied up with the sky while trying to escape into house so evil, that it's wall panels are trying to run away.

The house is powered by chocolate man who selflessy tries to help poor babies but is unaware it's actually a slaughter house he's powering. Unfit parents of babies are fooled by Bob Ross painting, and think it's safe place to leave their babies at. Blue man just missed the German immigrant trying to run over Scrooge. That very same immigrant is so homicidal that he affects his surroundings, making solid objects like tire wheels become murderous baby eaters. One baby managed to survive, but we all know how traumatized children end up. Only joy in his life is to read adult magazines, and only nutrition for him is feces that once were part of a bright sky. Rectum man doesn't approve of this lifestyle, and is so furious that his legs turned into a seahorses.

Magenta toiletpaper with grayscale sides. We all wish we had a driveway made out of this. This driveway leads up to the yellow mountains, if you can manage to avoid the teeth that might become injured horses and ghosts. On the yellow mountains, you find the great lord, Rat General, that is so evil he made a bridge for small people to cross mountains, but actually trapped them and made them his teeth.

The real question is: Is the old man happy? Are any of us?

Have a great autumn.


Masters of
Brilliant :D
didnt read, fuck u
new map for heroes?
Summer doesn't end till September 22nd you faggot.
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