Looking for a team for the next Cup

Yo Guys,

Next cup starts soon, so Im looking for a team to play with in the next cup.
This might be my last cup cuz of rl stuff & so on. Would be nice to have some fun before I quit ET.
Surely there're a lot of players who gonna say some stupid or senseless thingsr, but build ur own opinion 'bout me

Skill: Can't say a lot 'bout it cuz I haven't played a while.
Class: Can play everything
Teams I played for /Im playing for: eLemenTaL Forces, 6Star.et, gMen, Like a Boss, team craze, hodor, erAse.et

Some proofs I could keep up with good players in the past (I know there will come another stupids comments like "Not a topteam/topplayer, so fuck you if u doubt me, nobody forces u to comment here or take me in ur team)

CG EU ET Season 1 Tournaments
6on6 Division 2
Grand Final


Some Random 6o6 Laddermatches:


P.S.: Im also looking for a fragmoviemaker to complete my fragmovie. Just to save some memories of the game

If u're interested, pm me here or irc /q Kenjii

Peace out
"Some proofs I can keep up with good players (I know there will come another stupids comments like "Not a topteam/topplayer, so fuck you if u doubt me, nobody forces u to comment here or take me in ur team)"

It's not that your aim is bad or anything, it's just that you are plain stupid
At least Im not one of the most retarded players in the ET-Community. Keep ur opinion for urself next time, I don't think anyone cares about what u think about me, bitch ;)
Forward me your address for a solace cookie, bitch ;)
Don't feel like flaming you at all, as I honestly don't give a shit. But if you want to proof that you're able to play against "good players" do it correctly. There is no proof at all in this post imo. You linked 4 matches out of how many you've played? You might carried that final (no flame at all, but not sure who those guys are anway, besides caej same in the match against overrated, squid played pretty much alone against your team) and 2 of those other games you just got carried. As I said I don't feel like flaming you, it's just an advice. The thing is, playing 4 decent games out of 100 against good players doesn't mean you're able to keep that level :) No offence towards you, thats just the way you should think about that :)

e:anyway gl searching :)
viel glück aber
ET ist schon tod
let the cheat games begin
Good luck good player
this community still so great
gl dortigan!
Good luck! Great player.
craze dead oh noo
wanna see craze again :c anyway.. gl kenji
good aimer
Skilled player, gl
good luck
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