
Our beloved turbot.et clan started praccing for next CG season. To get better in shape, they recruited new coach whose salary is lower than typical toilet cleaner. It won't be new for many people because it's a man who has recently lead hodor through many defeats and not so many victories. Ladies and retards I present to you photo of turbots, made at their secret boot camp. From now nothing will ever be the same... Thanks to jiN for this amazing potato quality photo and insane paint skills!

image: file
seems nice :)
ill try but i cant understand whats in your head in your heaaaad ...
Those look like finnish army clothes, what the fuck

I didn't know finland has a retard regiment

Also of gl (especially hot swanidius)
that was some sort of event/camp only for disabled kids who wanted to experience some army stuff. if i remember correctly that same pic was in news some time ago.
Well damn, it's nice to see that atleast SOMEBODY is interested in defending our such glorious country
amen to that
twidi gained some weight :(
no olba no win
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