Forward Momentum Still Searching

United States of America Forward Momentum is still searching for 3 players for CG EU ET Season 2.

Current lineup:
Canada Tomun
Canada anim
United States of America HAYZAY

We need a fieldop, engi, and a rifle, but a good medic would work too. We play every Sunday at some point between 19 and 22 CET (and can work around schedules as long as you're reliable).

/q Foreigner/ForeignerOFF on irc or pmme here.

image: JIQQijH
avi as rifle if you won't find anyone :D
LMFAO time for NA crippled gamers to make a comeback hobbit vein i see you

R.I.P *|*
Anim 2014 - 2014
Joker 2014 - 2014
*BigBalls* comeback?!
wow rude
rifle? /q igi
they takin this game to serious so they probably wont play with me ;(
/q kReSti
not sure if...
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