Why didn't Vo0 participate ._.
11 Sep 2014, 21:31
Live stream:
hal_9000 made it to the finals. memphis, lunokhod and rokky are still fighting it out in LB:
hal_9000 made it to the finals. memphis, lunokhod and rokky are still fighting it out in LB:
He stopped playing cpm a long time ago. A lot of other top players are missing also, but i have no idea if they quit or just couldnt make it yesterday since it was a one day cup.
Vo0 is in USA atm , he stills play QL from time to time and played last year quakecon
He has been living in Dallas for several years now with his girlfriend. Supposedly he still plays sometimes but he probably has some NA contacts for that. I read he is back in University and is playing tennis again at semi high level.
pshhhh.. 39 - 2 ........NP for me ;)
Who wants to duel me?
noone, u suck dick :D
sup dawg!
Not much just being a good dawg :--)
If you ever wanna play go on #cpmduel on qnet. Im up there when im feeling like playing.