Quake Live on Steam

During QuakeCon 2014, the QL staff announced that Quake Live would soon be made available on Steam. This is now officially happening tonight around 22:00 CEST.

Make it happen for ET.

[ET to Steam since 2011 - Baggiez]
Actually if ETlive would be playable with stuffs like friends list, anticheat, matchmaking, ranking system then it would be a good idea.
Yes, thought the same and I think Asimov actually thought about that. It would be magnificent thing to introduce ET:Live and it's availability on Steam, but I think there could be a license problem?
lol et admin supporting quakelive?
someone ban this traitor?
/callvote ban ohuradmin
I almost wrote up a newspost for it. :D
wow cool lol
I wasn't even being sarcastic. :S. lol.
good move by id for once

Now do it for ET faggets. Throw in a fake HD remake like ET-live or whatever it's called, get it greenlit for Steam and ET is reborn.
And dies again when people are too busy arguing what mod to use as the base for ETlive
will give it a try, again
they changed the announcer voice in the latest patch...
i dont know what is going on, on qzdm13 for example, at rocket launcher i have 70-90 fps
wont comment ctf maps, unplayable. in q3/et everything is fine so i dont think i should change something in my settings
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