Battle for Berlin II vids?

I accidentally came across this awesome match from 2012 that was in the BfB2 cup ( ).

Does anyone know if there are still those frags of the week ( I think ag0n made like one or two in the end)? And also if those shoutcasts are/ does anyone have saved them?

Would be amazing if you could share it, if you know about it.


I only did this one... pc broke after (you can see some dead pixels at some of the frames).

edit: there must be some topics with ppl suggesting frags at CF.. just search a bit!
Your PC broke once? I hope you demos containing knife frags vs ferus,butchji,Ganon etc are still there.
Parent; replay starting now.

this reminds me of the awesome prizes we never received from this tournament :((
lol, now I understand why this game died
Sadly not receiving prizes / payments being late are common problems in other games too :(

Another thing to note about the tournament is that I'm pretty sure there hasn't been any online tournament after this with as high level of competition. Anexis, WinFakt, Finlantic6, mPG, Queens, bF, NBS, PDEG, TAG, Decerto, PolagZ, zZz.. these days there are just a couple of decent teams/mix teams playing officials only
Wasn't the draft cup the last truly high competitive one? (I mean that included a lot of high skillers)
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