PunkBuster vs cheats in 2014?

I didn't really want to write anything long, because there will be non-needed flame anyway as there is huge amount of retards (considering I rarely did anything retarded recently, but that's something different).
Just wanted to point to you guys, since there has been flame on me as an admin on NBS whether Im kicking "skilled/known" players or whatever, it's just because Im simply getting annoyed by the amount of cheaters in ET and I sometimes don't really have the will to check who you are and shit. If you start abusing after you reconnect, just don't expect me to let you flame me, I will defend. And those who actually know me, that I flame mostly to get flamed back.

To the point, PunkBuster is outdated, but to say that it isn't effective is complete bullshit. Yes, you must be a retard to get a cheat that's detectable by PB but what, many people did that and still do. Just check some flags...

United States of AmericaMr.Sneak image: 3zi6eEM
Poland image: 5Grxxzy
Israel image: aWRXvpJ
Israel image: rcvRs9y
Poland image: RtGCDZQ
Germany image: nT68n5g
Germany image: xDsfA35
Poland image: xirGBKS
France image: 8UbVbF6
Poland image: aDZJqFT
United States of America image: uksHrnG
Poland image: 2Nztr3k
Poland image: odJBv9B
Poland image: 39YQZkJ
Czech Republic haflos image: pvb3pzg
Hungary kvazi image: CCcBptl
Belgium image: Ft0jNYM
Germany image: PTS9sWz
Poland zielak image: keNXb8n
United Kingdomthe legend PAUL aka BST image: 1rq7pyj
Portugal image: WDq2LFf
Poland Packoimage: DTHpmqY
Israel image: i9qpufE

Netherlands delta image: D26fCHz
image: vQnrIgD

There was a match on ettv where szczurek played with Delta in 6o6, altho I guess delta was just mercing for them last map or for a few minutes, neverthless. Keep believing that cretine, he's awesome.

I would also like to send message to my friend France Rapk, you are lucky as fuck that pb screenshot is lost by now, otherwise you would be there as well buddy.
Also gonna post the ones of Mr.Damian (dcn7ii) if he decides that he wants to play offis again.
pbss seems to be a popular nickname among all countries
ahah redefine allways know this on NBS and JUMPER ? some other Obvious retard
fucking cheaters.. :/
zlk... z haxem i dalej poziom nizszy niz igła.
QuoteI would also like to send message to my friend France Rapk, you are lucky as fuck that pb screenshot is lost by now, otherwise you would be there as well buddy.

gg, expected
yep my first thought XD
If any of the 7other guys who had access to the screenshots have it, they can post it. It seems no one saved them apart from me and it happens, that you get to save a few wrongly. ;)
oh that redefine guy was so obvious :D
lucky i was offline at this time
babyface = nazty i think :D
GUID [99D00AB4B58B2AB778106D443B1A37C9C2535B1E] [ETPLAYER] CL_GUID [57E60A6EC0EDDCD42C693723DE563968] IP []
GUID [99D00AB4B58B2AB778106D443B1A37C9C2535B1E] [NaZtY FROM MARS] CL_GUID [A99FEFC41218CD638E7F105115C13A2B] IP []

Continent: North America (NA)
Country: United States (US)
Capital: Washington
State: New York
GUID [99D00AB4B58B2AB778106D443B1A37C9C2535B1E] [NaZtY] CL_GUID [A99FEFC41218CD638E7F105115C13A2B] IP []

Yes. :)
this fucking natzy still cheating on public :/
fucking nerd always acted like was legit
good stuff man
it is him.. I've been calling him out for a while now but everyone laughs.. like always.. just like when I called other people out and they got busted too
Don't know any of them
who the hell are they anyway
Can send .rar to ohurcool with infos on most of them so he can check if they are registered at CG, but so what?
They are players on ETpro, regular players and they still cheat, point isn't missed.
United Kingdom the legend PAUL aka BST

Last time you kicked me because of "too many back rapes". Its shame for ET community that someone let you be admin of that public server. Have fun in your playground, I just need to play on some other servers then.
palvelu vaa perää
can you ban this guy insted of simply kicking him bobika?
PBSS still best AC method ever made.
TZ-AC screenshots were much better.
when pb was still updated it was much better than tzac tho tzac was good replacement still
Urm? ET has never had less cheaters than during tzac times. PB was broken since the first fusenlist in 2k7 and even before that, it wasn't all that good. Also: dem fucking lags, which I've never experienced with slac/tzac.
No you are wrong! Cheaters just drastically dropped when tzac came :P And PB hasnt been laggy always. 2004-2006 there was barely handful cheaters. Cheaters became problem when pb was not updated and it caused lag so it got removed. TZAC was a good replacement for the drastical drop amount of cheaters
Well, pb lags were already a problem in 2006, and even then there were some popular cheaters as Pepper, unisol and amg e.g. I agree insofar that there may not have been much cheaters in competitive play, but invoke was already a widespread public cheat back then.

Personally I'd prefer tzac any day, had a good laugh at the sudden skilldrop of some players, precisely Swedenslajdan & some polaks/beltards.
Well if we were smart everyone would have just left the scene when the game didn't get any updates anymore and there was no anticheat for some years ^_^
Hard to turn down the best shooter there is, m8. :s
Exciting Journal
Did you finally lose that fat belly you had?
bobika has exciting journals only
lol when I kicked bst on xarqi's nbs he was like "im contacting fbi to make u kick of admin's team"

are they all banned now?

le internet-héro "i'm going to call fbi and tell them you have hostages, you'll get busted irl for busting me ingame, fuck you"
mec stp va voir plus bas ce que oxy il a dit pls
7 unknown polaks
fuck you abj you told us that it's undetectable
kurwa now i have to find a new team again
fuck you abj
That's not us sneak, it's SneAk from UK, aka SnowStorm.
It's funnier to just believe it's actually sneak
sneak is my friend :s
it's some guy who's been randomly adding me and my other xfire contacts saying he's the "Real sneak" and all this stuff...

most of them are POLAKS LOL!
LOL first time I see this !

haha i know they were cheater, it was so obviou...wait who
my game always looked like that, not bug :S
and still benched :S
not anymore bro, not anymore
whats with that guy sanjih? never heard of him but he keeps raping every1 but me OBVIOUSLY with 10 k dmg every round.
muslim france allstar player
so he is legit?
allways thought that guy was strange. y is yoko making up things :( Sarcasm isnt funny when it comes to cheats. What do you think about that guy Kitt (Sanjih) ?
what should i think about him? he is cheating but not always and he (they) is bad at hiding...
i agree. Why isnt he banned then!? and if not why aint he insta kicked from NBS if every1 knows he's cheating?
bullshit, sanjih is legit, pub owner since a fucking long time.
This is called paranoia
people just suck
u missed out when i said he was owning everybody -> BUT ME :D but i was just asking. i do not know that dude, never played with or against him in competitive gaming and thought it was strange that suddenly he appears raping every1 on pub.Like my guuuuurl T-Pal would say, "there is no logic in that" and that is why i asked at first if he was legit or not.
He cheats mate, at least on pub or scrims.
How can I trust your words ? :( it's like Kitt saying someone is cheating but without proofs, it means nothing.
Sanjih played on slac/tzac and never got banned, come with serious proofs.
I saw WuT with 11k on supply, is he cheating ? obviously not
Okay he played with banned players, but I don't understand your point. I'm pretty sure the CB/CG crew already take a look at him , and I guess they found nothing because he is legit.
If u want proof just join pub when he plays and spec him. Its not about the dmg tho. He probably plays clean in offis as he is much lower
I'm pretty sure bobika or yokoo already done that but they found nothing, deal with it now and stop crying.
cba speccing someone who ragequits in a 3o3 against me 2times in a row
well tbh yoko is playing with those trickjump guys who came out of nowhere also so i doubt it he would even care if he was cheating or not and Bobi is bobi and he does not care + no1 is crying in here. :)
Maybe you should get some informations, they are not coming from 'nowhere' ; and u can't say Bobi / yokoo does not care about cheaters on nbs, they are trying to do their best.
today, 15:42
cba speccing someone who ragequits in a 3o3 against me 2times in a row"

so u call that doing his best? + those trickjump guys came out of nowhere yes.. http://www.gamestv.org/event/49010-xd-trickjump-vs-erase-et-runo-3/ winning map against them + i thought i heard that Sherclock guy was busted allready.

oh cmon they won frostbite
http://www.gamestv.org/event/49883-xd-trickjump-vs-red-as-a-beetroot/statistics/ look @ those xD guys. And tell me how they can all of the sudden come to the ETPro Scene and actually win decent teams with players that have been around for ages.
Guys playing 6h per day against guys playing 3h a week? Yes I'm ok guessing it's legit for them to win maps
mec il trouve les 'xD obvious putin de merde il a le je trouve tout le monde obvious syndrom comme provok :D
such a news someone is busted, like 80% of this community, take a break and let them pracc.
U are the sherlock here.
first of all i have never used any cheats and have not been busted and there are many players out there like me who dont even bother in playing ET anymore because noone cares if there are cheaters destroying the few public servers that r still up and same people dont care if they cheat in wars. Cheaters win and ET dies even more.
I totally agree with on that point :) I got the same feeling. but we are talking actually about one french player who never cheated ( or not busted with proofs, as you want ).
i never said that Sanjih was busted cheater. what i said was i thought he was strange and i was actually asking around because i have never seen that guy before. The response i got was that he was cheating so i just agreed to that since he's totaly unknown player for me. :)
yokoo doesn't even care about cheaters in his own teams or NC lineups, why would he care about them on a pub? \o/
inb4 Abj is cheating
Maybe I miss something, I don't see anyone cheating in the french line up in NC, wtf ?
ya he played with cheaters, like all of us ( more or less ) ...
Atleast, he is giving a litle bit of his time as an nbs admin, u got a problem with that ? U don't even know his opinion about cheats.
oui oui yokoo is superior pizza ownator
There's a difference between playing with cheaters and knowingly recruiting them to a NC lineup, after they've confessed and admitted of having cheated, literally just a day before. Based on the mere "promise" of that individual not cheating in any officials.
Who the fuck cheats / cheated in the last NC? Ange? Kaisen?
Would be hipocrisy from him if he didn't take them for that.
There is actually a diffference between cheating regularly like an obvious mongol and test a cheat during 1 or 2 games in a random 3v3 after 8 years of gaming. I'm pretty sure 80/90 % of the community did it. Not trying to defend him and his mates but it is so important ? They were not really good at NC :(
He wasn't just testing a cheat, is the point. He was actively using a cheat during the team FR pracs to make the cut into the team.
Are you fucking serious man lol.
Did you even understand anything of our conversation about Ange that day?

Ange rolled you guys (sick6) and I asked you what you think about him because it was strange, I did investigations and stuff to know the truth. And there you come and say that I accept cheaters? "yokoo doesn't care about cheaters in NC"
I hate your behaviour. You are not an example at cups, you are not an example as a player, you are not an example on this forum. But still you manage to judge the others all the time... to say what? bullshit

Ange is clean it's a fact. I had some doubts and thats why I told you he might be cheating and asked you what you think but in the end HE IS CLEAN. Any players could see easily that ange was not cheating during NC, just look at the ettvs please. And everyone knows that the first time you play against a big team you can be excited and play rly well during that game.

Do what you want but stop talking about ange or me like you know a shit about us. We are not your friends.
shots fired
Yes, I evidently lack of severe reading comprehension. My bad for misinterpreting our conversation, I wasn't aware at all that you're implying the exact opposite of what you actually said...

QuoteApr 15 17:43:59 <yokoo> and then I said it to another friend on ts who didn't play
Apr 15 17:44:05 <yokoo> and he told me he recently gave a wh
Apr 15 17:44:08 <yokoo> to this "HATERS"
Apr 15 17:44:14 <yokoo> who was supposed to be med max

QuoteApr 15 17:57:48 <yokoo> yep he was cheating
Apr 15 17:57:52 <yokoo> sry about that :/
Apr 15 17:58:00 <Oxy> how'd u find out
Apr 15 17:58:08 <yokoo> he just told us
Apr 15 17:58:10 <yokoo> :X
Apr 15 17:58:16 <Oxy> lol
Apr 15 17:58:24 <yokoo> we forced him to play he didn't think he would play against such good players
Apr 15 17:58:29 <yokoo> and deciced to use cheat cause he would sux

Whether or not he cheated against us in that specific match is irrelevant, the fact remains that he admitted to cheating, RECENTLY, and you still recruited him.
The cheater who "gave the wh" never gave him anything in the end, I had unsure sources at the beginning. That's why most of the suppositions I did after are wrong. It's my fault and it's really sad since a guy like you can use it to say bullshits.

You don't know everything I'm sorry. Every player in the FR line up could tell you what I'm saying and they are not cheater lovers. Let's ask provok what he thinks about cheaters. oh wait lol

Plus, you said I recruit cheaters and let them cheat during NC. I'd like you to show me the links where he cheated since you are so smart?
Your point just changed from "he cheated during nc" to "he cheated during irc match". What are you trying to prove exactly? How useless can you be?
What's ur point now except getting attention?

Chillax was aware of that problem with ange and he would not have allowed a cheater too.
All the players in FR line up are witnesses and you clearly only have this conversation as proof but don't know shit about what happened.

See you
yokoo is someone who covered his mates and cheated himself, very reliable person then. (that isn't really my opinion on him btw)
yep all my videos, timestamps and irc talk is nothing but i guess you can read all private pm and messages..
I do not criticize your efforts against cheaters, I'm totally with you on that, just some of your accusations ( sanjih for example here ). Keep going, cheaters are killing this game since the beginning.
hm maybe we played against them sanji and his friends several time on irc and mostly they couldn't get the flag on B4 or we hold them 10 minutes at first stage on supply.

now he is owning on pub etc. yep thats my "proof".
And you? You are cheater? Whynot? U to nuub
i think you are really misinterpreting what i just said. I said you were wierd and i was asking players who allready know/have played with you before if you were legit or not. There is no reason for u to go defence mode and try to insult me with useless information i allready know.
Never cheated
ok i will believe ya...
It's true that sanjih might be obvious some times, but I know him for a long time and he is a nerd u know :P. Not a cheater!
i have not even specced him ingame, i've just noticed him when i am playing on NBS and asking if he was legit or not :) since like 80% of the nerds who still play public use cheats ;)
Merci gay :>
:D Parlez-vous anglais?
Nei ég kann ekki ensku
Cortex les pyramides
tbh that doesnt require very much
He cheats pretty hard
lol rly !!!
vid restart bugg
loL BST was obvious, told admins to ban him like 2years ago. Lowskilled cheater =(
people still cannot into cracked etbots :DDDDDDDDD JESUS CHRIST #ENEMYTERRITORY2014
Wheres my screens?
getting caught by PB in 2014 8)
Was some guys cheating on there this morning too, one turned it up max but still only got ~50 acc and average hs :D
let me guess, he was using name dingDINGding?
this dingDINGding guy thoughhhhhhhh

got rolled by rOLLEr :y
No, after you left :)
damn, was lookin for egoboost!
Sorry :(
If anything, you were still the better player from this morning when I was on :c
those fanboys
bst so bad haha
me > cheats
why this thread has this many replies
some kids are spamming
because fuck you
who the hack is delta :D
'xD Trickjump admin, the team I've seen you playing for recently.
xD admin is Sebhes, but nice try
Nice try?

'xD Trickjump leaders are and have always been Sebhes and Delta. Since the beginning. Also, fyi, I joined their ranks back in 2009 already.

But I don't tolerate cheating at all so I got absolutely no problem telling people that it's him.
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