Polish retard dopi faking sqzz

so recently some of you (that are still arsed to play some 3o3s) could spot, that there is a retard in 6on6 and 3on3 channel faking sqzz and asking to merc/play wars and shit..
Just would like to make you away that it's polish busted cheatah...

image: 6xt4FoI

PS: He's completely retarded, polish, can't even speak english properly, but it's a shame that he can spoof guids and has dynamic ip + uses vpn tunel, so he's almost unbannable. Just be aware.
2k14 who cares
People who still play this game care. You just get drunk every day and fuck random bitches. np. enjoy "life"
fuck bitches? nice joke dude
Quote1 year and 6 months

i've been here far beyond your creation of time , so behave midget.
sure thing, have u also played rtcw since start too? aint that right

calling some whos close to 190 midget seems to be off though :/, if u would've been here u would know i aint midget :(
I'm 1,98, so behave midget ;) Played rtcw since beta :)
why fake crossfire account then? :D
It's not fake mate, i can't remember my old accounts password, had them years running there :(
in his face bro! :D
he was still bad tho regardless of his hilarious wall scanning.
dzieki za info, bede uwazal na miescie
QuotePS: He's completely retarded, polish, can't even speak english properly,

It's the perfect crime, no one would ever know a difference!

sounds about right for a welshman!
Inb4 its sqzz himself, wondering wtf is going on 2014
So obv and still so bad
It is actually sqzz for-filling his life long dream of pretending to be polish whilst pretending to fake himself.
that polish fag whas (is) allways playing on NBS public and cheating
Hij faked zelf jouw nick, moet je trots op zijn.
he has tried to fake you as well..
can't be :OOOO
nice screenshot
yeah, dopi is a total retard
Hi Pepik BOBiTCHkA :)

I read here im still playing ET.
Nice Joke Man :D I dont playing ET 2 months, so how can i Faking Sqzz and cheating :)

*BTW guys the magic fast reconnect in ET /net_port [value];net_restart;vid_restart;reconnect thats all, now all noobs can kill ur server ;)
* The webside with guids: http://etkey.org/, u can download how much u wont copy and paste in etmain when u got banned and reconnect :) cu guys :)
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