hep hep hep

well after got negative answer from morroco ambessy for a visa there ( for 7 days ) wanted to go to festival there.
and understood i cant go throw eilat(israel) to sinai beaches ( egypt).
i sent email to my boss in the holiday told him i want 2 weeks breaks from work without payment . he give me a green light .
so i decide to travel for 2 weeks all alone . exactly like i done when i was a bit younger
this time im going to andman. never been tin andman before i already applied this morning the files for a visa to india
just time for myself , (i already explaind myself to who i needed wasnt easy)
not going to do tracks or something just rent a motorcycle ,my towel beach beer.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IN9rh43TdIE really really awsome artist listen to his tracks you will be amazed

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWeE14O28aQ another one from the same artist



From what I can understand from your, sorry, horrible English :D have fun traveling! Haven't been there myself but a friend of mine did a motor trip across India and only had good stories(besides the food making you master-blast the toilet sometimes).
i can speak very good english evryone will understand me.
but to write its very hard for me .): very hard to express myself..what i feel .
i alreadyy been in india but never in andman . andman is island who belong to india.

well yea i love travling ..i want to be a free bird but we need to live from soething you know.
Morroco denied you a travel visa? Lol.. are u a wanted criminal or something? :)
I'm quite the traveller myself and i have never had any troubles with getting a visa (except for Cuba, wich is a bit harder).
Have fun in india (u will spend 1/4 of ur time on the toilet tough).
i really wanted to go to morrco..its was so dissapointed for me not to get a visa to there.
i have israeli passport card ( if you dont come with orginize trip ..probably you wont get) its not like european passport.
Must have copied mine songs.
Epic random song made back then in ~2007: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2yLk-SHUgg
u can only blame ur govnerment if ur not allowed to travel to arabs countries =)
my passport sucks i admit it. nothing new under the sun
i wish i had european passport
but you know i never go to some festival atleast this days in europ fcuking mainstream . look
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d29xK4xxfIo ( boom ozora eclipse and many more )
you see the diffrence ?(:
even tho my plans to go other destival very similar also in shara. but still same athmosphare
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