New gfx card

Hello Crossfire,

I need your advice regarding a new gfx card, because I'm not really up to date what's happening on the tech market. My current card is an AMD Radeon HD 6870 with 1024 MB of GDDR5 memory, so yes, pretty "dated". Got no problems playing BF 4, Assassins Creed 4 or other newer games with it, only that the frame rate is pretty low, even if I have everything on low details (BF 4 is not as bad with frame drops as AC4).

So could you give me an advice on which new gfx card to get and where to get it? Price limit should be around 350 - 400€.
Doesn't matter if it's a card by AMD, nVidia or someone else, even if I prefer AMD cards, to be honest (personal experience with nVidia cards wasn't that great :D).

Thanks in advance!

Fucking hell, you call that dated card? :D
Yes! It's already like 4 or 5 years old or something! :<
To be honest, it still manages to do a good job. But it's no good with new top games and full details.
I guess my is vintage then
Which card do you have?
Not 100% sure but 5770 it is I think
Yeah that one is at least 1 year older. :D
They stopped selling it like 3years ago I think :D
think an gtx770 (probably evga) is doable for that money? not sure tho
MSI GeForce GTX 770 costs 300e
What would you say about a R9 280x? (I can get a used one for around 80-90€)
Definitely, for that price.
Hoped so! Just waiting for the guy to respond (He had 8 of em, just 4 left )
Bought a GTX 670 for 100€ instead. Since the guy with the R9 was not responding.
nvidia>ati with gaming anytime anymodel anyprice
I hope u are trolling, actually amd in same price as nvidia gives u 10 -20% more fps, in games supporting new api mantle like bf4 difference grows up to 50%
We don't know how DirectX12 will affect FPS yet. Furthermore NVIDIA added Downsampling in their drivers, which works for all DirectX versions. There is TXAA, which is amazing and a few other things.
I have an ATI myself (7970 GHz Edition with a custom cooler) and I am pretty happy with that. Moreover I want to support ATI, because they are a great company and competition is always good, but my next card will probably be an NVIDIA again due to the supersampling option, which is awesome in older games. On ATI GPUs you can only use supersampling with GeDoSaTo on DirectX9, which is a huge drawback :(
Buy a GTX 970, currently the best GPU considering the price and the performance :)
what do you think about MSI GTX660 Gaming 2Go GDDR5 OC ?

i consider buying one (150e)
Can you afford a bit more?
well i dont rly know tbh, i only play LoL & ET so even a 6870 is enough

i can afford more but probably gonna update whole cumputer in few months ( wanna get a new car first )
I would buy the GTX 970, everything else is imo not worth it, especially if you are upgrading the rest of your PC soon.
Worst choice ever, the GTX960 will be released in a few months.
Buy 280X for like 150 you can buy a used one.
I would not buy a new one.
For around 150 euro you can get a 280X ( mostly old mining cards) for 200euro you can buy 290 used.
If you really want to buy a new one, the GTX970 is the best choice. And from the GTX970 cards, the Asus STIX is a good choice. I would not buy GTX970 from MSI, since that one has coil whining.
Since the price drop yesterday the 290 is the best choice.
GTX 670 voor 100€, wel goed ook lijkt me? (Benchmark gekeken, beter dan de R9 280x zo ver)
Misschien op fullhd maar zodra je meer gaat verlangen is de 280x sneller. Heb zelf een 290 gekocht voor maar 160 euro. Ik game op 2560x1440 heb dus wat meer power nodig. Ik koop zelf alleen kaarten die ik met zo min mogelijk verlies kan gebruiken. Mijn vorige kaart de 280x had ik voor 150 gekocht, en maand geleden voor 150 verkocht. De 290 zal ook nog genoeg waard zijn tweedehands.
Ja, alle 280x kaarten zijn hier zo rondt de 140-150€, maar de 290x is al snel 240€. En ik wou graag een zo goedkoop mogelijke pc samenstellen.
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