3 days left to my trip.

went to my parents home to bring my suitcase
touching in my room ( how many memories i got from there ): )
found something i thought i lost before 5 years
http://sizmedia.com/my.php?i=djym5zgmzuo1.jpg so much smiles i had when my eyes catched the ring you cant imagine.
this ring is atleast 70 years old im pretty sure more. its a ring from yemen my grandmother had when she came to israel in 1948 .. my grandmother bring to my mom and my mom give it to me. and warned me i remember when she gave me if you lose this ring i will cut your head .
then found my ipod i bought before my first trip after i realsed from army . what a fucking awsome songs i got from there
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYMRS7Jzjx8 ay ay ay..what a memory.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfNyfW0gH3c listen 4:20 look how live show is need to be done .
sure its was good times .

funny clip :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlTNzMZEWno look 40 sec in video the black kid (: what the fuck lol?

enjoy the sun like its your last day
dont think i will post journal anymore love & peace .
good bye take care (:

Where are u going? i remember ur post saying u weren't allowed in India or smthing?
andaman island between india thailand. but its belong to the india
i didnt get visa to morroco.
Is this how you write in hebrew, but then translated?
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