Making Fragmovie

Yo crossfire community,

Since the next season is running, Im about to make a fragmovie of myself. Surely its taking a lot of time doing this, but I dont really have time to work on it 2 hours a day (dunno how long it really takes, maybe there would be an answer for this question aswell.)

Anyway, I try to make it shortly. Im looking for a nice guy who would support me in that project. ofc there will be some guys with the same typical comment like: "Do it yourself!" or "You're too low." but Im gonna try to ignore those guys. :)
Honestly I just have "Beginner Skillz" in making Fragmovies, but from time to time I try to get more experience in it by doing itselfs.

Firstly: Why I want to do it? Why wasting time in that?

Simple answer: Im playing ET since around 6 Years, since 4 Im playing ETPro. I had a lot of fun and enjoyed the time playing this game with nice guys like Belgiumeron, GermanyJoka, FinlandWrath and many more. (greetz to the rest I haven't brought up) I want to save some good moments and memories of this game, cuz even there are some cheaters and a lot of retards its still my favourite Egoshooter at all.

Kinda funny to read it, even on myself. But still it would be nice if someone (If I know him or not doesnt matter at all) would support me a bit, so I can finish it in the next year or smth.

Its a simple project. Simple graphic settings with ingamesounds, some music in the backround, maybe (If I have time to do it) some scenes with camtrace settings, nothing special.

So if anyone is really interested in this, just message me. If not, its okay aswell :P If there are any questions about it, u can message me aswell :D

Peace :)
Probably most of the info (excluding editing) you can find here:
Thanks a lot. I already get this link from someone (I dunno who it was) and will read it when i have time. But as i said, because of work, rl stuff & so on I don't really have time to make it all on my own, thats why I made this journal. But thanks again for sending me that link :)
i would suggest for you to pay someone to make it for you and then u will deffinetly get a nice fragmovie for memmories :) that is what i will do at least. :) u can try to talk to mental aswell. Good luck :)
Hehe, thats what I thought about aswell. But Im not rly sure about that atm.

About mental: Im not rly sure if he would help me. I like his fragmovie "Mental Moments" cuz its really simple made but since the last Season where we played against each other and the NationsCup where I was getting mad about stupid things I think he doesnt rly like me at all ^^ But Thanks :)
i doubt he will be mad of things that happen "in heat of the game" ;) (there is if he aint 16 mental age huehuehue) at least try to ask him :)
/q Hakij @irc and make an offer for moneyz
I hope you'll be able to get someone to make a nice fragmovie for you, wanna see it when it comes out! :)
Will do my best, thanks :)
Good luck.
gl with that project! :)
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