Gfx card advice

hello its me again

recently bought an ati 6870 that I return back ( because its shit and doesnt want to work properly )

so im looking for a new one ( nvidia only from now ) to play LoL and maybe with decent fps for new games.

budget: around 100 to 300

found some gtx 770 for ~260€|cd|cd

and a gtx 780 for 300 €|cd

is it good? smooth enough with new games?

Both are excellent, but if you can find GTX 970 for affordable price, get that.
found one gtx 970 for 320 €, its a PNY, dont know if this is good quality

But, if it's only LoL you're going to play, shop ebay or whatever equivalent you have over there, for a used GTX6xx or similar. Save yourself 300eur. Any half decent 5 year old GPU can get 200+ fps stable on league.
talking about this one|cd

gonna pay it 250e since they give me back 69€

i cant find any decent gfx card used around my city and i prefer to get a warranty, plus got that money on this website aswell =(

maybe I should spend less? gtx 760 or 660 for 150e
Get MSI version. If you want to buy on that website. Asus and Msi version are equal but asus more expensive there. Here they are same price.
Edit: Stock cooler is load and not fun to listen to.
GTX780 is a safe bet. Just BECAUSE.
You better go for a completly new PC, as your CPU & co seems to be outdated :)
If you simply want a proper mid tier graphics card I can sell you my Sapphire HD 7850 OC 2 GB for 90€
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