nTerror / hodor - Season CG

Yo, since I didnt have any notification at cybergamer and I dont know who to write to, when do you want to play our matches ?
We are avi on sundays only (mostly, rest would really depend on availability) around 20:50-22:30

so leave a message, xoxo

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dat chick
kiddo why so intense? change your thoughts and quit ET right now, no sense to wait till the end.
Ugly fat ass midget replying at 5:19 did you just quit ET to start playing LoL so you had a look if I posted something somewhere so you could add a bit of your wothless bullshit you ugly cunt?
of all the girls in the world...you put beyonce, son i am dissapoint
You can always /msg Jacker on #nTerror.et, he will reply to u when his GF gives some slack of his balls.
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