i thought you highly moral jews were beyond all that western garbage
Brothels in Amsterdam
15 Oct 2014, 17:27
hey, i need recommendations for good brothels in amsterdam!
A lot of Israeli's are a bunch of wankers they quite different from non-Israeli Jews.
Why don't you get a life?
shekel shekel
:XDDDD synek
dial 1-800-CRACK HOE
oy vey
And this journal goes through admin-filter??!?
Admins are idiots haven't you realized yet?
bro why dont you get some girls the normal way with your big kuk
Hvordan har du det, Eldar?
bare bra, du da?
siger du bra? er du brabra? huehuehuehue
Det har du ikke noe med. :P j/k Jeg har det veldig godt. :3
Amsterdam Zuid-Oost, De Bijlmer