An NBS Gaming Public Story

As I am very sure, you all like a bit of drama. This is the story of Poland WuT and I concerning our public ETpro server we launched.

On the October 14th we launched our DoubleDutch Dragons Public ETpro server with big help of Germany Oxy and Netherlands BlackNL (IT guy of Dragons). We announced this on Crossfire and IRC. Shortly after the launch we had to cope with server crashes. WuT and I had no idea what was going on, maybe some mistakes in the Portugal setup of the server? Nope was the answer. It was someone knowingly crashing our server using silly console exploit commands. In a later stage he even used a script so that when we restarted our server, he would automatically crash it again.

So we were thinking, who in the world would even crash an ET public server? Of course we were suspicious of NBS. But you can't blame anyone without prove. Our next step was of course gather prove.

We got the logs from the server crashes. The guy who kept connecting was using a Proxy, one thing that helped us is that he did not change his PBguid. When Poland Abject was pubbing on NBS server he saw a dude with referee on NBS with the exact same PBguid.

image: 681328e8f86ce0e9677115916b8486ff

So, a matching PBguid with a referee on the NBS server. I thought let's confront the "owner" of NBS with this finding. This is what he replied:

Quote by NBSPublicServerI am not Archit3ct and he is not the server-owner.
Ok, you blame Archit3ct for what? For cheating on your server? You send me a screenshot from NBS but please be more specific, i do not understand where your problem is. Trying to make a joke?


He was basically denying any involvement in the server crashes. And saying I should stop spamming him because I am filling his inbox with spam. Does it stop there? No of course not, drama always continues.

The guy continued crashing our server between October 14th and 16th. Even now I am writing this journal he is attempting to crash the server using exploits (not to worry, our server is almost bullet proof.) Or as WuT would state:

Quote by WuTWuT: we're safe as penis in a condom

After the continued crasihng the server we gathered more information regarding the player, and ended up getting several IP's. He was using a VPS to change his IP every time he connected. Lucky for us, we had 1 IP match with a user here on Crossfire. Guess who? It's the NBSPublicServer (Profile Here) guy I msged when the crashing didn't stop and he denied any involvement.

Finally we caught the nerd who kept crashing our server. Even though he is still denying it we have hardcore proof you cannot deny.

We continued to do some more research on the guy and found the following details:

So I am asking the serious and nice players to stop going to NBS as it is lead by a bunch of imbeciles.

TL;DR NBS morons afraid of a little competition from our Public Server, attempts to crash our server, gets caught. QQ

We will get our server running properly soon and hopefully have some nice lads playing it:
image: 758585

image: potato
We're waiting for your reply NBSPublicServer, we know you are 24/7 on CF browsing everything. Get a move on.
its bobika with next fake account. but no proofs ofc ;)
Easy to say something without any proofs, ain't it?

Behind NBSPublicServer stands more than one person, couple admins.

BTW you can see here , that NBS is a sponsored server...

And NBS or has nothing to do with your imaginary friend "Philip". He is not part of our team, nor do we know him.

Everything else i call Attention-Wh****g

Whoo ! Killerboy's spirit is here.
It's sad to see this kind of action. Without the NBS and the DDD server, there are no place anymore to play on pub.
I don't even understand the motivation of this guy !
owned :D
I want to play on your server timbolina but I can't download PB. Would you be a nice admin and tell me how to fix that ? O:) TETE DE BITE

salut au faite !
Same, cannot locate my ET.exe when trying to install pb
you just need to dl an etkey for your etmain/etpro (don't remember which one) folder
haha, always knew this new "NBS" admin was a massive prick... it really would be nice to know why is he crashing another public server, when his own is full almost all the time anyways(?)... + doing something like this surely does convince players to change server or atleast it should.. Well, I won't play on "NBS" anymore, unless there's nothing better to do/no other choice and I think there'll be less hackers on DDD's server than there are on his.

gj timbo&co :p
It tells something when bobika is admin of NBS... gj timbo, nice to have new server because the only playable server was hirntot
At least have both of them (tot and nbs) the same colours xD
wtf. community is fucked up. congratz guys
cu at DDD server man <3
Ik voel je Tim, ik voel je
Suspect NBS when there were serious attacks on NBS also but rage was good enough to prevent them, but yeah.

Also there is really more than a few people using that NBSPublicServer account and there was a guy recently with rcon stealer banning players on the server, renaming them and kicking them.
Thanks for pointing that out, I've banned it and everybody can start using their own account again.
Don't think any of them will be really that arsed.
Yes Bobele, none of them ;)
Good, as you know I'd hate to hurt someone's feelings.
Rip bobika kid
They have been doing that for months, nothing surprising here
Blatant use of private logs, admins please take necessary actions.
rafek: i need to enjoy my config because i have some shits there
sup casanovam8
how u doing bro? :D playing lol a lot add meh: shokkina !
i just dont get what these nerds get out of crashing servers and ruining other peoples fun....i just dont fucking get it. sad really.
ROFL, ET serious buzzines.
NBS better than ever.
I'm so proud.
well sherlocke'd lad
rip nbs rip bobika nerd
In the end I'm glad not to be nbs admin anymore
Everyone else is also glad
Gonna try it yeahyo
Any news or progress in your e-mail exchange ?
Tell us why you have edited your post, we want to give this potato to someone, but you have changed your post :)

Are you now ready to give us the information of the attacker here publicly?
Perhaps is it hard for you to do some copy and paste :)
Until now, you have posted here a small area of a screenshot with Archit3cts guid taken ​​in NBS gameserver and small and incomplete sections your conversation. You cannot call this as evidence....

Also i find it ridiculous, that you have postet here the result of the whois request for (game server ip), because it shows us not the "Attacker" of your servers, but the server host of this game server, in this case the company and its owners.
Are you trying to involve or engage the company and its owners on your small drama here ?
Is this the reason why someone has "crashed" your post here?
I also find strange here, that the answer of NBSPublicServer has been removed and this account has been banned and that certain screenshots someone bother here.

As long as you can present no evidence for your allegations, I would keep my mouth shut in your place, because otherwise you move on thin ice. It ceases to be fun and games and real life begins.

To be continued....
shut the fuck up
You butthurted ? xDDD
Have you removed your second journal "NBS Gaming Public Story update #2" , where you have apologized to ?
Don't get it, too proud for?
Decided that we might best solve this with 4Players, stop spamming this journal.
Sounds wise.
I am also a NBS admin and i hope i am welcome on your server timbo.
Oh really? Had no clue you were NBS admin.
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