Aim issues


I am having some weird aim issue that has appeared the last day or so in ET, and as I have just discovered, it's there in RTCW too. It has not appeared in Quake Live though, nor any other games for that matter.

It's like my sensitivity is randomly changing several times per second; have a look at this video to see what I mean -

Actual mouse movement was similar for both games so you can clearly see the difference.

Has anyone encountered this? I have tried cvar restarts, in_restart and so forth. When I watch an ET demo or host my own server, it is fine, but when I join an ET public or match server it is screwed up completely, and if I run another demo after that, the issue persists there.

Someone asked me to try RTCW today and when I joined a server there, the same issue was present despite me not touching RTCW or my config for a few months.

Verified it isn't the mouse by testing on a g400 as well.

Any ideas before I nuke my PC?


It seems that this problem is tied to Win32 input only; after trying out RInput yesterday I found that the issue didn't occur; as soon as I switched back to Win32 input it was screwed up again. Whilst not solving the issue, the workaround works perfectly well.

Thanks to everyone for your suggestions; I really appreciate it.
Have you got a dpi above 500?
800 DPI and it's been that way for years now. 1920x1080 screen resolution.
everything above 500 dpi is too much for ET to handle, might be that you have never noticed it before, I'd recommend you to use rinput (coded by abort) for ET

and also make sure m_filter and cl_mouseaccel are 0
No. I've used 900 for near to 10 years myself.

As for medixa, reckon this may be affected by PB? I tend to have a choppy mouse feeling on pub servers from time to time.
Explains why you have been so shit all the time :-D
Not sure, it's more than a little choppy though!
No this is unplayable; sometimes I end up aiming at the ground, aiming at the sky, doing random 180 turns etc. Verified it isn't the actual mouse by testing with my g400 as well. Currently uninstalling Logitech software to see if that has an effect.

*Edit* Uninstalling the software made no difference.
ah, well if it's that extreme I really doubt it's dpi related, wouldn't know any cmd that could cause that
Wow, this kind of bullshit is still alive i see. Its about quake engine which makes negative acceleration when u are moving ur mouse too fast (too many counts per sec, which u can hit easier with higher dpi and lower sens in game). It depends on fps, resolution and sens in game - higher fps/resolution/sens = higher lvl of the beggining of game engine's neg accel. Actually with 1920 resolution, 800 dpi and 125 fps, he will rather hit mouse sensor's negative accel lvl than game engine neg accel.
Btw, i've noticed the same, sometimes i feel like server getting fucked up and makes my sensitivity lower randomly, just makes my sens like 10 time lower for few seconds or do not detect my slower mouse moves and crosshair just standing while i move my mouse like 5 cm/s but its working fine on desktop after minimalizing et (restart et fixes it). I did run ql or warsow or another etserver same time and didnt notice anything like this (400 dpi here).
ET doesn't even handle DPI or anything mouse related, the only thing it handles is your windows mouse pointer since it uses Windows mouse input.

The only problem with high DPI is if your pointer hits the corner of the screen before the game resets its position. But with a resolution like 1920x1080, it won't be a problem lol.

Last time I checked 1024x768 was fine up to 800 dpi, 1920x1080 should be fine for up to 1600.
ur getting older man :(
Have you tried different hz values on your mice?
No, just 1000hz like always.
See if setting the polling rate to 500hz helps, could be worth the shot.
Interesting! It seems connected to polling rate; if I select 1000hz it is awful, but dropping to 125hz reduces the issue, but doesn't completely eradicate it. Quite why this has only just manifested itself as an issue is another matter. Very strange that it is only affecting ET / RTCW, I wonder what changed... :s
Just to reiterate, on a locally hosted server or a demo replay, it's fine, but on a public or match server it messes up.
Are you sure it isn't someone doing that "bug" where they use non-ASCII characters in their names that makes everyone's mouse flick?
The problem occurs on empty servers as well.
With med1xza gone, my path to Team UK is clear
"Schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. This word is taken from German and literally means 'Harm-Joy" - Wikipedia. :p
With UK's Finest United Kingdom Wakizashi as captain and me as low+ reviving medic, pocals will be won
2015 and low+, cmon brother everyone is med+ here
windows 7/8 or 8.1?

disable the usb energy saving @ energie options
Windows 7, USB energy saving now disabled but didn't help.
Did you try switching mouses?
Do you also have the same problem if you use direct input using RInput?

Could be dirt stuck in the captor or something I guess?
Yep, tried both the g402 and g400 but the issue persisted.

I didn't try any other input methods so I could consider it; maybe the Logitech driver was updated and it's screwed with Win32 input or something.
Could be something like that.
Try this :

Been using it for years for IDTech3 engine games.

You can also try with a different brand mouse see if its related to the driver.
Could also be a virus messing with mouse input but I haven't seem those in years so I doubt it.
Must be ran as admin btw.
Thank you. I gave it a try but the issue is still there; I assume it injected okay...
Actually I think it messed up the first time; I just tried again and jumped to a few public servers and the issue wasn't there; I'll keep testing. Perhaps it is just Win32 input that's messed up.
Tried 3 more times; twice with rinput active, and once without; the issue is only there when using windows input so this narrows it down.
Lower ur mouse hz to 500, there is no any difference having 500hz or 1000hz (1ms vs 2ms) anyway but it makes sure ur mouse will perform steady all the time.

Change usb port where mouse is connected.

Change mousepad, use fully black pad.

Make sure no one hasn't put anything into ur mouse sensor, dirt/dust/similiar.

Reinstall windows.
I think the last option is becoming the most likely one! :p
Pretty much this.
Just reviewing some of the updates I received the last few days, perhaps we have a culprit -

QuoteThis update helps Microsoft make improvements to the current operating system in order to ease the upgrade experience to the latest version of Windows.

Perhaps it introduces the issues described in your link.
Sensitivity can be linked to FPS, huge drops and back to 125 can effect it (it looks similar to what you have). Although may not actually be it.

Looks annoying though :D good luck with that :)
or hz can be linked to fps..? never heard of such thing as sensitivity linked to fps
if you have fps drops it will seem like the video above, sens will jump a lot.
Oh well. Better just to go buy a "pro pad" and play cod. :D No such problems as sens linked with unstable fps
indeed! i had that on my shitty laptops alot when fps was shifting :d
My FPS was stable, but I've experienced choppy FPS in the past; wasn't anywhere near as annoying as this! Using RInput yesterday evening for a couple of hours and the issue didn't occur, so it's tied to win32 input it seems.
Ingame only?
Yeah, and so far only in ET and RTCW; even Quake Live wasn't affected despite me using win32 input in all 3 games.
Doubt re-installing windows would do a thing :L Maybe try something as simple as running ET in compability-mode for XP/SP3. Did wonders for me fps-wise I think, made some programs work with ET. I have 8.1 though.
Already run it in compatibilty mode for Windows XP SP3; I don't remember setting that heh! Raw input seems to be my only workaround; perhaps there's a driver issue with win32 input or something.
OK glad you got around it without nuking anything :~>
It's most definitely FPS and may be hugely affected by servers, that use .pk3 file (s1lent mode AC or whatever) that blocks some cheats and also by PB. Atleast I have this problem on several servers that use this.

My fps are steady 125, but ingame it looks warpy like if you would play on 80-90fps at times and mouse acts like it has accel.
FPS was stable, I know it's not displayed on that video but I did check that before.
My FPS is also stable as I said.
Ah so you did. Some combinations of FPS and monitor refresh rates can cause it to look warpy; what refresh do you use? You could enable vsync (r_swapinterval 1; vid_restart) just to see if it removes the warpy appearance, but I wouldn't recommend playing with it as it adds delay.
Yeah, well since my monitor gets max to 75hz Im playing with that and 125fps, so it's not smooth, but stable. But on those servers it doesnt cause delay, but warps, little lags and fucks up the mouse movement.
I've had this problem for like a year now its really annoying can't find any solution unless using rinput so I just run rinuput everytime I start ET
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