g5 broadcast

Wsup guys, it's been quite some time since ive been here so hope life is treating you all well. I do however come asking a favour, my friend just had a knife scammed off him in csgo which was worth over £400. We're just wondering is there anyway in getting this users ip from his steam account or does it have to be done from ingame? Basically this shoutout is to anyone that can help us track him down. Killerboy,kamz? You know what im talking about. Let me know lads and you'll get a ticket.

Thanks :)
I've retired and forgot all my sherlock detective earthquake cheatbusting skills RIP in pepperoncinis Killerboy i cri everitim
We need you mate :( You were the first name which came to mind. Time Sherlock was unleashed and went back into his mind palace and help us get this sucker ;)
contact steam over the knife tbh
Can't since he got 50 keys for it and was waiting on £450 from paypal :( steam wont do anthing for money transactions so would be nice if we could find him and fuck his shit up ;)
When you sign up for steam they make you sign the terms of service thing and part of that is that Steam is not responsible and that trades are final and non-reversible. Plus selling steam items for paypal is technically tax fraud so that's also a thing.
Must be very powerful aimbot knife to be worth that much.
Only i could wield a knife that powerful
"Your friend"

image: SwvOhBV
Some guy tried to scam(though only a knife of 130€ but still) me but getting IP is pretty hard since steam is locked down pretty well. I went 'CSI' on him, used his steam profile and his friends list and managed to connect that to his facebook, pasted images of the trade agreements in messages on there and saying I would message his parents(his facebook told me it was some 16 year old kid and he had the family relations thing on public). Guess that got him scared enough and he sent the money immediatly :D
It was creepy, yet oddly satisfying to still get my money this way xD
Creepiest guy on the internet well played brom8
Well this story was not needed to know that :'|
AdeWHO!!!!!!?????! :) If i get his ip address can you help me connect it to his facebook?
Bet he is crying for not making his fb profile private on time.
You can get his IP if your friend has him in his friends list? All he has to do is invite the guy to a voice chat, the invite doesn't even need to get accepted to get his IP.

Perfect, thanks mate gonna get this sum bitch now ;)
>paying £400 for a virtual weapon

image: DabyM9O
Well, you can sell it to get your money back anyways.
Where? Looking to sell my inv.
Serieus? heb een betrouwbare vent, laatst mn inventory verkocht pm maar als je details wil
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