New ETPRO Servers with anti cheat

We have started new Euro ETPRO servers. PB is disabled but you will be banned for using cheats. So don't cheat on our servers.

1. Objective Cycle ETPRO Server - GE / Euro Location

image: et

1. It's objective cycle map rotation and maps would change as the player count increases. Suggestions are more then welcome.
2. You can also vote for your own maps.

To join our server do \connect in console.

Current Map list:

1. et_ufo_final
2. tc base
3. sw oasis
4. sw goldrush te
5. sw battery
6. reactory final
7. pirates
8. missiles
9. library
10. karsiah tw2
11. et ice
12. et beach
13. erdenberg b3
14. special delivery te
15. bremen
16. supply
17. adlernest
18. frostbite
19. braundurf
20. te vallhalla

More maps would be added on request. Any suggestions are more then welcome.

2. STOPWATCH Cycle ETPRO Server - NJ / US Location

image: et

To join our server do \connect in console.

Different configs are also available for voting. Public Stopwatch, 3vs3, 6vs6, etc configs are available.

Any suggestions? Post it on our website or here.
Where is the USA server located? :D
Stopwatch server - New Jersey, USA

Obj Server - Germany, Euro
Thats strange, traces to Australia.
That's a US IP :) You are probably doing wrong tracert.
looks good, I'd say drop valhalla though! :D

you may have more luck building up a playerbase on etpro publics with a shorter maplist to begin with, ~6 map cycle imo. you can slowly add more maps to the rotation as the server gets more popular.

good luck & will see you on there!
bad advice 20 is more fun because i said so
and that's the bottom line.....
Map would be loaded based on player count unless the vote get passed to load specific map. As player increases bigger map would get loaded. :)

valhalla gets loaded when there is no player on server. It's better to play 1 vs 1 rather then running like chicken on maps :) Once there are 3 or more players regular rotation would kick in.
I see. :P interesting method- hope it's successful!
Thanks. I am not sure how it will work out but let's see. If not will go with your suggestions.
New Jersey - East Coast.
Thats strange, IP traces to Australia...
Remove base, pirates and valhalla and it'll be fine :P
From which server? Stopwatch or Objective ?
Stopwatch. Those maps are fine for objective i'd say even tho base is mostly uneven on publics and will normally end shortly
hmm ufo final :D
omg hellreturn omg

hey !
Hey snakex! Been a while. How's all going buddy?
yea im fine, im still here in this dead game ;p
How's Mamba doing? Haven't seen him in a while. Game isn't dead yet :)
same for me mamba went inactive long time ago :((
I am planning to set up my desktop in few weeks or so and once that is done see you in same fireteam :)
people paly et ? no wayz
Enable timelimit and map vote and it's perfect!
Timelimit @ Which server? Map vote is already enabled on mostly both servers. If not please let me know.
Preferably both.
Objective server - Time limit enabled.

Stopwatch - It has different configs. Will work on it asap.

Let me know if you have any more suggestions.
Enabled on stopwatch as well. Let me know if you have any more suggestions.
Good thanks.
You are testing some new AC there?
Yes. Works better then PB at least for us. Detects more cheats then PB ever did. If you get any issues while connecting to server please let me know. Thanks
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