Crossfire WolfPro discussion in 2009

hahaha holy shit found this video I had made of the events and all the drama and summed them up in 1 video of what happened in 2009 in anyone remember it? :D

You need to put annotations ON to watch the video
This video basically sums up everything in 2009:

- The new Wolfenstein was in ALPHA/BETA and there were some ppl on who had access to it
- People screaming they wanted Ironsights
- People screaming they didnt want Ironsights
- People screaming they wanted sprint + shooting
- Some random RTCW people wanted the falcon kick LOL
- "You have been warned" were warnings you receive in a PM infamously by sol or Krosan
- "BANNED" like literally 5minutes after getting a warning you'd get banned anyway hahah
- "ahahhahaha nerd got rolled :DDDDDDDDD;D;Ddd:DDDDDD" - most famous quote used by Finland tAZ in comment section and ingame and ec games
- "you are the nerd fintard" - Croatia sUVI's reply to tAZ
- "is this how you respect EC players?!!?!?!?" - pretty sure this was Finland ENSAMs meme right? Finland help me out guys
- "lowest EC ever" - everyone member on said that
- mama 1v4 lan video fight being posted in every fucking journal whenever there was a fight or argument REPOST REPOST REPOST REPOST
- "UNBAN GNAJDA KURWAAAA" - every fucking Poland except grzesiek LOL
- "20 WARNING POINTS: LANGUAGE RULE" - Germany chosen holy fuck this cracked me up so hard, man chosen used to get a hard on everytime he saw any word he did not understand he would give you warning points, even if somebody invented a new set of words or a new language hed get penalised instantly LOL
- IP Ban/Subnet ban/Hardware ban, there were discussions of these to keep Polandgnajda and some other people out cos they kept on coming back
- "1on1 baserace" - Poland brumu.... you could argue all you want this this fucking guy, in the end he'd just convince anyone to 1v1 him in baserace LOL
- "CLOWNBASE, GTV LAGS, CF ARE NAZIS" - nobodys heard that one before
- "leave gnajda alone, i didnt want him to go to LAN" - was gnajdas excuse he used for when he didn't show up to CIC7 or some polish LAN, his GF didnt let him and everyone kept on spamming that quote along with his "you buy cigarettes i buy bot whats d difference"
- i dont remember why i put hannes getting promoted as admin I dont remember why, all I remember is him creating very good tools and apps for people to use for demos moviemaking and stuff like that, help plz my memory aint that good

hahaha this is even gold since threat is spelled wrongly :p
Who cares about spelling when there is ODC win on the line!
iirc hannes was really pushing Wolfenstein (modding etc?). I know he was involved heavily with ET:QW, did a lot of modwork there too. so he'd have been in this video just because of being a big supporter of Wolf2009. :D

e: also the part about "Function: God" - in 2009 (pre-CF4) the God was the admin level of guys like TosspoT, sol, Fusen, Nellie (read: the big bosses). Krosan wasn't very relevant in 2009, he shined more towards 2010 with his contributions to CiC7 and organising of AEF (plus consistent posting of news and whatnot).
bring back warning points :XD
"this is how you threat EC players?"
lowest EC ever.
Good times :)))
"This is how you threat EC players?"
l2refresh faster vole
getting russian subtitles gg..
turn subtitiles off and put annotations on
then theres nothing
or you on a mobile app or something maybe?
epic memes, 2009 was a good year
suVi: Can you see this invisible wall?
you forgot "cool story bro", the coolest quote ever which escalated in may 2009.
hahaha good times
unban gnajda kurwaaaaaaaa :DDD always gets me
good old times
"lowest EC ever" ppl already saying it in 2k9 ;D

nc downfall video was the best :D
aaah crossfire wolf 2k9 discussions were so fun

that hitler video was done so many times, think there was one about u aswell xD
Haha awesome video:P
Someone should collect all these videos and posts... For example this one and angrysNoOp raging are gold youtubes. :)

LoL polaks are nothing compared to ET polaks. In LoL they are fcking paper.

and also... mama is forever hero since he pwnt those idiots on CDC :) Everyone knew they were cheating and mental. mama taught them whats accuracy with those headshots
Good times and memories :P
get a grip
your face is a casual discussion from 2009


also remember hannes and co (wolf pro mod team) basically doing what they wanted (well that was the feeling I got). Also the game had a bunch of re-used quake wars code which was then re-used again for Brink... so bad.

villa selfbust was nice also ;o)
I remeber a photo with sunglasses
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