Mouse lag


My mouse feels like it stutters in ET. Sometimes my FPS drops to 123 or 124 and then it goes back to 125 again. In CSGO my mouse feels good and the game runs smooth with fps above 150. I have searched the web and even asked ubernerd Artstar so I have no clue what to do about it anymore. I use a razer deathadder 2013. Help a brother out.

Ciao ciao
Your problem is that you still haven't switched to a Zowie mouse. /thread
ahah that's what im telling all my friends :D
I switched from ec1 to da because death adder felt more agile.
Same exact problem I had, I ended up formating. I still don't know for sure wtf the problem was though. But I have not experienced it since I made the format. I suspect it might be a windows update or smth.
ok thats my last option then thx matey
i formatted but if u suspect it might be a windows update what should i do? I just install all important windows update or?
I didn't install anything with windows update :D
Just downloaded what I needed separately.
oke but windows update is also important for the safety of your pc right? How did u do that then?
Anti-virus + firewall and you should be fine unless you're careless. Btw check pm :<
I have exactly the same problem, please help us with a solution!
stop getting stoned
Did u try to check ur mouse reporting rate? Maybe its not a mouse problem, input lag comes from mouse refresh rate + fps (+time needed to convert signal from digital to analog if u are using adaptor from dvi to d-sub) + monitor input lag + monitor refreshing rate. Mouse makes only few % of total input lag, so maybe try to find ur problem somewhere else.
Your problem is that you still haven't switched to a Zowie mouse. /thread
zowie zowie zowie. these mouses r made for cs. only a3090 is not bad for ET. it depends on ur style of aiming, but even mAus prefered some kind of smoothing.
tons of good players use zowie on ET :S
ok, but what do u mean by zowie? ec1/ec2? fk? fk1? am?

i suposse the answer is ec1/ec2 and this the onle mouse which suit for this game. maybe am/fk for fingergrip also.

but new zowie fk1 and et? dont thinks so. 3310 = cs
ec evo 1/2
+1! yooko koko!
Windows 8?

Try with RInput, win8 sucks with handling non-direct input in games.
no windows 7 64bit
RInput could still be worth a try if you haven't already, seeing how it's not an issue in CSGO (which uses direct input).
Actually I had the same problem (got perfect mouse accel delet0r and tried rinput aswell) but it wouldn't go away, ended up reinstalling and formating the hdd...
As Zodiac mentioned above, try RInput out.

I had a mouse issue recently, not really a stutter it was much worse than that, but it was caused by something going wrong with Win32 input; I tried RInput and it worked fine so I have used that since.

If that doesn't solve it perhaps some suggestions in my journal could help -
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