Halloween Infected Night

image: gallery_23_17_660694

TeamMuppet announces:
We want to invite you to our next event. It will take place on Halloween night which is today (Friday 31st October).
The event will also take place on the new version of Infected Mod !

Time of the event will be at 19:00 GMT (UK Time)
Server IP is and/or ( you can use either of the following IP's )

Please also do not forget to join our TeamSpeak server for an even more fun night !

The infected Mod is one of the most popular event we have and what a better night than to have it on Halloween ...
All maps will follow the theme night so mostly / all spooky based map !

Anybody is allowed to join our event so feel free to come and visit us.

Hope to see you all there on the night !!

Happy Hunting


File pre-download:
Sure you can download them by connecting to our infected server but you are able to pre-download files manually.
Both of the below files need to be added to your "infected" folder inside your ET folder:
infected - http://mnwa.bplaced.net/ftpfiles/infected/infectedmod_b2.1.pk3
binaries - http://mnwa.bplaced.net/ftpfiles/infected/infectedmod_mpbin_20140715.pk3

Custom maps on our infected server. ( add these into your "etmain" folder ) (standart maps are not included in the link)
Cool banner!
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