ain't that some shit.

So since all the flame sort of came to an end about me getting "busted", i decided to post something to atleast clarify what happened. I know alot of you are happy in a way that after years of accusing, crying and whining, that resulted in me getting banned for cheats. Some wondered why I wasn't even trying to defend it, well there's a simple clarification for that; Would get flamed anyway.

Let me explain.
For one, according to the pbbans site, I was online at october 30th. 08:15am and 10:00am (bantime). Since most of you including me, theres school and work. At that particular time I was working, not knowing whatsoever that at the same time I was cheating on a server.[?] The name I am banned on was "hello" according to Pbbans and Gametracker. Gametracker, however, refers to several "hello" named players but none of them wears the same guide as I have. To make things even more interesting; the guide Pbbans made logs with that suppose to refer to me aren't matching.
Pbbans got "me" busted but there are no screenshots whatsoever that can be used as eligable evidence.

Further than that, I needed some elucidation for what the hell just happened, since I did not know. I asked ohurcool about what happened and told me ''the ip matches the ip on CG, therefore you're banned." wich is understandable, as he is just doing his work. After that I had a conversation with szscurek since nothing has been clarified yet, and they both don't really know what to search after, what they told me they would do.
szscurek told me this:
image: Knipsel
Conclusion: Things will only be published if it is NOT in my advantage.

The flame is on it's place, as I would do the same to someone I did not like. But then again; why the fuck would someone be so stupid to try ?detected? cheats on a server while pb is running. It has nothing to do with coming from "such a player". Those weren't my words so kinda bullshit to put it on me.

My only explanation to all of this bshit is that someone has absolutely a 100% sure no-life package and used my IP through a proxy. This is a very unreliable way of fucking someone up, but it will do. The unreliable part is that the original IP that has been spoofed over mine is traceable. But not if you're using Peerguardian on Linux or Mac or Peerlocker for Windows. It's crap work but it can be done. Let's assume it was spoofed, still packages that are send back, would be send back to me [wich can explain perhaps my 999 time-outs every 10 to 15 minutes]. For a short amount of time to get busted on a PB server, doing this doesn't take long. This community that we face everyday, how much? perhaps 300 400 fellas. Bet there's some genius hiding there in his cave, and it would not surprise me if it were silent his buttbuddies.

Off the record;
  • Credibilis lost fair and square to us, as I am trying to upload the demo's that I recorded.
  • I havent been busted before for anything so no teamviewer bullshit kalli said before.
  • Back in the day I was most certainly not better than I am at this point. [pc issues]
  • Where Kitt is refering to I have no knowledge of. Perhaps wants some attention.

Other than this I've got nothing more to say. So flame on.

some demo's I stored where Kevin[be] (and Domi imo. are) is using cheats because I was playing with scow and "Jekku", who they thought was cheating but actually was Artstar[uk].

and here goes :zyga[pl]
heard nothing about that yet either.
and here goes NzZ[nl]

edit: i will not respond to children posting "cool" sentences.
Now you try to bust other people or what does your wall of text tells us?
That these admins favour "famous" players
the last time a famous player got busted (wiaderko?) he was banned too. so your comment is somewhat invalid.
2014, who cares
i dont think ur cheating if it comforts :D
also replayed this match where ppl are saying ur obvious and saw absolutely nothing.

could be wrong tho..
80+ hs per map with low- gamesense wasnt anything obvious 2 years ago too.
Also wonder why did people accuse nazty of wh while they couldnt spot the most obv thing, that he has been clearly botting, like insane since the beggining.
you're being sarcastic here but generally rambo aimers aren't that intelligent players. so yeah having a high headshot count but 0 interest in objectives doesn't sound all that far fetched.
Ofc hs ratio acc and non obj playing inst a proof and i never did look on it like that. Im just trying to talk with people on their lvl, cause they obviously wont understand points like (lets give an example on insane): different noticable sensitivity in free moves and in duel. uncontrolable, random shaky, spastic, unsmooth moves in free moving or even targeting enemy, then magical switch to smooth and pointly tracking in some moments (not even exaclty on the center of hitbox, but it looks like he tracks point on enemy's arm for example), instant tracking lose after the last bullet kills enemy - mouse going just random side after duel, while 100% clean players in 100% duels still continue tracking for next 1-3 shots after kill (botting begginers). He also played with autofire in some old games, he did stop shoting before he could even spot, he kills someone. Unmistakable tracking - he never loses tracking in duel, u wont spot single action, his crosshair goes another side than enemy runs just while shoting. And magic reflex - enemy changes move to another side, his crosshair changes tracking side instantly with enemy or in constant very little delay.
trust daash mouse, 400dpi 500mouserate 5sens mpitch 0.015. Always been that way.
are you making things up right now? what autofire nejm. stop replying pls
Dunno, but insane is actually some "high sens" in regard to the overall etplayer's sensitivity that's being use, still got no shit on my sens :S
yes you had high dpi am i right.
Ye, I just like the pink wheel at my mouse more :D (it's like 1150dpi I think)
brb changing my dpi to 1150
Quote by youwhile 100% clean players in 100% duels still continue tracking for next 1-3 shots after kill

If you don't know how many bullets you still need to kill in a duel, then you were not any good.
But u cant be so sure that the lastone will hit, except u are insane like insane.
to be honest. i dont think he is cheating. I have watched him ingame and he had no abnormal moves and was not obvious at all. On the other hand u even accused me of using aimbot so i am not supprised that u are calling someone a cheater xD
Exactly :p why would u spot smth weird? i did count parts of aim typical for shit humanized aims, which stick exactly to 50% of players atm :p im wondering why couldnt i spot it from any legit known players on top like olba, butchji, snoop, kresti, razz, sqzz, xperia or even phyzic and many others. Thats why i say even somehow known players on average lvl are cheating since they started aiming like i did explain above, and funny fact, they are mostly bad anyway.
why wouldn't i spot something weird? i have been in this game since it came out, i'm not new to this game, unlike you. But he could be cheating i cannot judge that from one game i watched, i mostly agree with you that many players at the moment who were below average not to long ago are playing like High+ but that could be improvement or that could be cheats who knows? not like these shit anti cheats do anything anyways.
wanted to set smth like: ":DDDDDDDDDD" but its not funny anymore.
Quote i have been in this game since it came out
yeah, but last year u were about low-/low, actually u started tracking exacly like insane, typical unmistacable tracking, (not jelly tho, u still cannot into movement, control ur spread and positioning, u are only not a completly free frag anymore).
Quotei'm not new to this game, unlike you
Quotei mostly agree with you that many players at the moment who were below average not to long ago are playing like High+
no, im talking about people whos contrast between tracking part of aim and other things like reaction time, behavior in game (positioning etc) and movement is just massive, but still they are bad overall and not growing over med- lvl.
last year i was playing with mMonkeys / randomZ and no i was never low-/low that is not correct. earlier that year i was playing on a shit connection so i had 140-150 ping and since i was not used to playing with that shit ping i was shit aswell. Then i moved and i improved again. When u are playing in a team sometimes u dont need to deal gasillion dmg to be good i was playing smg engi and i played that role well.

Yes you are fairly new to the game and from my perspective a player who is new to the scene coming and calling me a cheater couse i played good on NBS is just retarded.

sometimes i have good days and can track well and i aim good other days i am shit, but that is just normal.

for the third part i have nothing to say on that subject.
Still "new" argument, when did i say anywhere how long do i play et?
And still same bullshit about "playing good-calling cheater" like i even said u played somehow good. When i said that chilax is cheating, he has been losing against the lowest teams in this game.
no u called me a botter, as in, u were implying that i was using a program to make my crosshair jump to a enemy player so i can kill him. And yes u said "u have never been this good before, what bot are you using" or smtn like that.

u do realize that when u play a game for long u improve so people that have been playing this game for ages get better. That is the only reason i keep coming up with the "new" argument.

i rly dont care either way if i am good or bad at this game since im not even playing any competitive anymore so i would gain 0 by using cheats after playing this game for 9/10 years and hating on retards from ur country perticular.

Quoteu were implying that i was using a program to make my crosshair jump to a enemy

U are an idiot or u are acting like idiot, im talking about trCking part whole time and someone as experienced as u (nice try, like u didnt know it) should know that humanized aim with low aimfov gonna replace ur tracking, u have to aim on enemy and start shoting by urself. I said u have to try lower aimhumanvalue since its visible (and again we are going back to difference between tracking and the other parts of skills, u are terrible in everything except tracking) and while i noticed smth weird few days before, i told u about just after watching u on deathcam.
Quoteu do realize that when u play a game for long u improve so people that have been playing this game for ages get better. That is the only reason i keep coming up with the "new" argument

9 years to low-, 1 month improving tracking (not overall aim like reflex or fast aim) from low- to stable clear and smooth med+ lvl. Normal thing for such an oldschooler.
who the fuck r you calling me a low-. Fuckin random polak playing 3v3 wars for 2 years thinking ur all good.

im not wasting more time in arguing with you since u speak out of your ass.
QuoteFuckin random polak playing 3v3 wars for 2 years thinking ur all good.

:'D 2 years ago i just came back to after break and been playing against teams mostly from premier division:
anyway, every time u will mind to come back with "being too good" argument, read my first comment above, it explains why do i think someone is playing with support, and ur next questions like "improving" or "program that jump crosshair to enemy simply" proves u are total retard or trying to change the subject of conversation since i did expalin here everything. It has nothing to be good, most of softly cheating newbies (like chilax at the beggining) are below the average lvl.
Quote When u are playing in a team sometimes u dont need to deal gasillion dmg to be good i was playing smg engi and i played that role well.
playing engi smg hasnt much to dmg, except u are getting carried hard. Ofcourse it depends on map, like supply lets do engi alot of obj which give him less chances to gain some dmg. adler is neutral and delivery lets engi shot the most. ur argument is invalid.
2 wins out of those links? bad much? :s
my life was done just after beating xperia in one of my first games. didnt try anymoar. also official adlernest record in 3o3 agaisnt dr.
i can post some random matches aswell u know. go write jEzt0rr on gtv. it does not mean shit that u have played some good players.
u deny yourself every fucking sentence :D i did write ur name and all i saw was the lowest dmg agasint every low+ opponent. if ive been carrying with ENGI SMG agaisnt decent opponents, doesnt it means anything? thought it proves that, im not 2 years experienced guy. actually im not coming with oldschool bullshit since i cant prove it. if u rly think, i recognize every shit u say about ur experience, it means nothing to me, since u can say anything u want without proofs.
and what low plus apponent is that? and clearly carrying since u lost all the matches xD ET is not about dmg its about objective when u play competitive but i dont expect u to get that with all ur experience xDD

plus all the matches u just posted are random ladder matches, And u lost them all with all ur carrying and dmg xD

i can tell you last year i raped Phyzic @ lan u can even ask all the Icelanders so now im highskill0r and fuckin pwn cuz i won him in a random 3v3 match on lan gg ur argument.
Quotebut i dont expect u to get that with all ur experience xDD

image: WoFCtSl
u are trying to call me low experienced when ive been going close to good teams and u were losing hard to lowestones. just.... wow....
also ladder? whats wrong with ladder, whats the difference between cups? so lets go this way:
and why do we even talk about me? i wanted to let u tell me, why should i think u are legit, where are these proofs for ur experience and oldschool bullshit? just give me something that doesnt say, u were low- 2 years ago.
r u really that dumb? when u play a game for 10 years ur aim improves.

And what lowstones show me.

ow and obviously there is alot of difference between 3on3 and 6on6 and ladder games r just like playing random Mirc wars pretty pointless, u should not be proud of getting alot of dmg in a 3v3 war against decent players when u dont even win a single map,
Quoter u really that dumb? when u play a game for 10 years ur aim improves.

same shit again, which i did answer u above, low- aim in 9 years, med+ aim (aim with all these parts i did explain to artstarinstead of med+) in few days after comeback (before u come with "2good=cheat" argument, read my previous comments again). if ur overall skill would be above low+ then ur argument will be valid.
Quoteagainst decent players when u dont even win a single map

actually won many games with decent opponent without carrying assistance, lexamples in comment above, u are trying to deny facts again. btw im playing clearly for obj, dmg argument is invalid too. If u want to call me bad and low experienced again, just try to face me in war. Finally prove u are playing et for 10 years, or stop talking bullshit and calling others randoms and low experienced. Also i would never brag, im playing 10 years while being low-. its kinda shame.
after what comeback? did i ever quit? no. i was never low plus for the first part , SHOW ME THE low plus OPPOS U ARE REFERING TO. put a link in here.

and yeh was checking ur gtv and stopped counting when i was on 20 losses 5 wins. u r rly good bro keep it up xD <- very nice accusing every1 in cheating when all ur buttbuds r banned and look u even lost that game xD

and i was playing against decent teams before u went to school for the first time. this is the oldest game i could find with me on gtv but i used to play with a team called oneplay and we were pretty decent at the time and played teams like wArning , SoF and many others.

and now u want to face me in a war? r u forgeting why we are arguing in the first place?

judging from checking out ur gtv it wouldnt even suprise me that only reason u are drawiing attention to ur self calling every1 cheaters is because u use cheats. iNsane is playing with outlaw so it makes him suspecious but u played with same kind of retards as he is doing. players like damon supna base Bullet.
Quote very nice accusing every1 in cheating when all ur buttbuds r banned
but u played with same kind of retards as he is doing

u are such a weirdo, u are denying facts every sentence. i played just once with them as merc and im pretty sure u did spot it. couldnt u really see that u are talking bullshit?
another example is
Quote iNsane is playing with outlaw so it makes him suspecious
just read my answer to artstar and mind what kind of stupidity do u just try to force here, im not accusing anyone because he magically improved even in week or smth, its because of these parts i did count in my comment to artstar. i dont really care, but u started this conversation, im kind and answering u. its much better than insults or ignore imo. i dont care much about cheaters too, but if noone will speak about cheaters problem, it gonna grow up to the moment, when u wont get a war below med+ lvl. this time will come very soon.
i have read that answer and those are just speculations. i bet 40% of the retards out there playing are using cheats, And yes obviously i saw that game and jumped to conclusions but can u doubt me your countrymen are not the brightest when it comes to ET and cheats. plus ipod is allways a better player than u are so dont be calling him a lowbie. And that cabt game war u found was a 3v3 random war wich i allready said was pointless, i mean look at the names we got and the time it was played very well done u found one shit game with me playing shit. I guess if u watch all the games with me u could find loads of shit games just like i would if would watch ur games. Some days u just get an off day and u simply play bad, shit tracking etc. But i was not in a "bigger penis competition" u called me a cheater and then u said i was low plus and after some magic brake i came back mid plus... i really dont know what brake ur talking about, i allready answered u that i was never low plus and i showed u old game with me "proving" my experience not that i needed to do that. I would also like to add that some players dont even play competitive gaming only pubs when they feel like it but r still decent players. (maybe they used to play competitive but are older now with familys nd shit, That is exactly the case for me right now.) so they don't even bother in playin on GTV.
sorry to disappoint you but: Yes you can and it is nothing special to do so.
show me single action of legit player from top like olba, snoop, butchji, squall, phyzic, just anyone where the last bullet they shot enemy, kills. simply 50 ping from 2 sides gives u lag about 100 ms, that means u have to stop shoting 0.1 sec before u can even notice hit, thats what insane been doing in some offis at the beggining.
ofc except u are trolling me right now.
saw them doing it quite often, counts for me as well. quite a few times when i stopped shooting because i thought he must be dead but one bullet was actually missing. how to get 50% acc in a different way except panzer, scope and flamer? :D
1) i asked for example, demo etc.
2) just what u said only proves my point, its something rare.
3) we are talking about begginer, because insane played like typical begginer 2 years ago
4) he has been making it every single action in some games, not randomly like once per match.
He got a great teacher
arrow bestest
indeed mate
1) cba. I am not trying to convince you, just stating that you are wrong based on my experience.

Quote, while 100% clean players in 100% duels still continue tracking for next 1-3 shots after kill

2) rare means it is not 100 % and it is not proving your point.

3) beginners can improve and I played shit for many many years and in about 1 year, I improved a lot. Other players can do so too.

4) Can say something against that since I don't care about him and I won't believe in something you say he did.

You are not proving anything and you are actually not adding towards anything to this discussing other than making a fool out of yourself.

You take the whole thing too serious.
Who cares, who gives a fuck.
Its only a game with unknown people everywhere called cyberfriends ... Don't be angry ... lmao

Nothing personal
nobody cares, but everyone cares when it was about me apparently. If no one cared like you claim, there wouldnt be gtv, crossfire nor publics and admins
6 months and 21 days
Profile hits: 13

Confirmed cheater
cant log into old account > old email > cant remember pw
Nzz is a previously (many times) busted cheater, tell me smth new.
Domi was also busted?

And zyga is some random?
Nice try :O
Zyga hahahah. Fucking random polack xd
Quotesome demo's I stored where Kevin[be] (and Domi imo. are) is using cheats because I was playing with scow and "Jekku", who they thought was cheating but actually was Artstar[uk].

I mean I don't get this bit: "and "Jekku", who they thought was cheating but actually was Artstar[uk]"
yes. you were playing under that name am i right? Maybe some scrims or w/e. these demo's are from 5 months ago wich is approximately +-150 days ago. this for example.
and many other forms of "Jekku".

Kevin had is no recoil kinda thingy going when he knew he was playing against "randoms" according to him. Demo's shows for itself.
ah I got it, thought you were calling me a cheater but I understand now. xP well yeah I spoke to Kevin after that game, he had no idea it was me (nor did Domi).
hah ye bet they were surprised
Ye, didnt expect artsar to stoop so low as to play with sc0w.
yet, you accused him:D see what being "famous" or what not can do these days.
if you'd knew it was art you would shut your piehole.:)
Yes and, if a complete random played like that he would be cheating.
and thats where you are mistaking. No point talking to you anyway. b
There was no point in your argument anyway. stop acting smart.
ga maar weer in je mand.
Wat loop jij nou raar te doen dan mafkees? Je hebt echt 0 discussie mogelijkheid jij he.
Ik wil best discussiëren met jou. Maar zoals ik eerder al zei, het heeft geen nut, geen zin, geen enkele toegevoegde waarde om met iemand als jou te discussiëren. ten eerste omdat je een paar dingen uit je hoofd oprakelt en ten tweede, wij mogen elkaar niet. Dus ik snap de essentie van wat je probeert sowieso niet.
sorry just passing through with a part of my cfg's binds
bind n say ^7Domi^ptje^2: demos after

on a sidenote, mouseaccel and fast movement gets me "wh" or "aimbot" call about every second game. insane probly still cheating at some lvl imo, low gamesense nice friends and a med+ aim after being low+ a year ago :--]
must of been some badass low+ oppo u playing then everytime.
Yup :) like you for example.
Still waiting for first win then? :sss
you're like low+ so no offense but what you are implying here and the other post is irrelevant.
damn and i think it was your dog :/
These stuffs always stays classy hahah.
Some things never change :)
QuoteI havent been busted before for anything so no teamviewer bullshit kalli said before.

he was referring to kapot's bust you gleum
ok thankyou. relevant to the whole matter indeed
And Kalli didn't say a word 'bout teamviewer. That was me. And like Ava said, it was about Kapots bust.
Get rekt by mg you
tl;dr but im sure its interesting
Got yo plat border going already or what?
stopped gaming 2 weeks then tilted hard; 2 late to rush it as it ends the 11th :p
Can carry you still, what div u at now?
lmao, killerboy we need u
Quotesome demo's I stored where Kevin[be] (and Domi imo. are) is using cheats because I was playing with scow and "Jekku", who they thought was cheating but actually was Artstar[uk].
That made no sense whatsoever. Me and kevin were cheating because we played you and sc0w, just what?

Neither did the "years of whining and crying". You've been back what? 7-8 months? Before that, when I still played with you were utter shit compared to now. And when you "returned" suddenly hs everywere. No offense, but nobody gains skill by NOT playing.
7 8 months? ive been back for a year. If you're not able to gain some skill within a year, you should stop instantly. I was shit years back i agree, well thats what happends with shit settings, no knowledge, being young and have a crappy pc. Im playing on a shit laptop with 76 fps locked. Still way better than back then, wich made it possible to actually be better at some point. And the skill i'm at aint that good anyhow. So quit the "hs everywhere" drama because that aint true.
it made fucking sense though. you played with me when you were fucking med- max and you were the best in that particular team so thats ineligible. You said it yourself. And then we're talking 4 years back if not more.
The thing is, you were back and you instantly were as good as you are now. Thats is point behind all this, that you are unable to comprehend that is not my problem. You've been gone for what, 2-3 years? Come back and whent from low+ to med+/high within days.
Quite sure I played you in the beginning and were raping the shit out of me, kevin and eddo. A feat not many here on CF have done.
even though I stated some facts of gtv matches where you clearly can see some differences in opponents what made your whole statement invalid, you come up with some random match "in the beginning" etc. Still people are going to believe you. hi community
Please, Netherlands Enigma rolled you all hard, teamkills yes but still it counts!
such relevancy
Not even replying to you?
the fact that you only play with (busted) cheaters doesn't make it any easier to not believe that you are not cheating imo
i played alot of people. and i cant deny some of those were busted yes. Does not mean anything.
you took a loss. accept it kiddo. i know you couldnt sleep that day.
that's a lot of negation
Your pbss showed for months stable 125fps, why are you even trying to lie?
my laptop cant even take 125 bob. Im using 76fps forever.
QuoteIf you're not able to gain some skill within a year, you should stop instantly.

if u want to act like progamer, u should know at least smth about computer games.
U can ask any professional quake/cs/other skilled games player, u will hear allways the same: u wont achieve anything without 5-7 years of practise. And dont forget, et is one of the most aimskill demanding game ever. Whatever, u dont have to reply me since i dont feel like argue with cheater, wanted to show u a little inaccuracy in ur arguments about skills.
i stopped argueing with you a long while ago, lets leave it like that.
QuoteAnd dont forget, et is one of the most aimskill demanding game ever.

Kill yourself
of course it is
Quote ET is ridiculous anyway, what separates the skillers at the highest level is only how they register hits anyway, or rather how they register headshots... this game is so fucked up lol :D
from my poin of view it may sound ridiculous since Im med-, but heard even some skilled players admit that... You can have amazing aim and dont hit as well as others...
ok bro, so lets do a math: from what i remember quake speed is actually lower than et speed with sprint, but lets say we compare size of hitboxes to speed of ql and et without sprint. quake is about 1.35 times faster, there is one hitbox with same dmg received on every part (except u make a custom server with g_headshotenable 1 and g_headshotdamagescale >1, actually didnt meet any). et body hitbox has similar size, but hs gives u much higher dmg and the point is to hit headshot as the best possible way to win duel. head hitbox is like 3 times less wide than body and like 6 times less tall. so what is harder? hit smth moving 1.35 times faster which is 3 times bigger (lets make it closer and skip moves in pitch, since its not that hard to control crosshair position in pitch) or smth 3 times smaller which is 1.35 times slower? just guess. simplier way for ur mind lvl would be comparation of hs acc in et and mg acc in quake.

You hit a new low of retardation
so what is wrong here? can u explain me?
Hitboxes don't have anything to do with YOUR aiming.
actually i proven u its harder to aim on head in et than aim on body in quake. didnt i? so it makes et harder than quake in aimpart.
Quake is purely dependant on your aim, ET isnt.
mg in ql has a little bit higher spread than smg, where is ur point?
Only a retard plays with MG.
there's no another weapon comparable with smg. sup?
also only mg, rail gun, lightening gun and heavy mg are aim weapons in that game.
You are seriously fucking retarded....
image: tumblr_inline_n65er7FWse1s6hbo5
good argument again. u havent anything to say except some completly imagined hit registering.
Yes, because you're fucking brainless cunt, its not worth it
im brainless cause i made a little analysis of skill lvl comparation in different games.
analysis that is actually wrong and useless?
so show me a point which is wrong, also useless.
Don't forget that there is weaponspread in ET, so you can't move freely and sometimes you're even forced to crouch, positioning also affects weaponspread. In Quake you can move freely and your weapons are way more accurate, no matter how you move so you can dodge better, which makes aiming a lot harder in Quake.
quake mg has even bigger spread than smg in et. its stable, doesnt depends on ur movement like jumping etc, so controling spread is next part of game making it harder than ql (what u said) but imo bigger spread means more random, not more skilled.
I was thinking of the LG rather than the MG though.
lows with bots
who the fuck is this guy, lol
Quoteand it would not surprise me if it were silent his buttbuddies.

:DDDD yes, I spent my precious time to do things like that. Listen, I dont care AT ALL about you or your mates, for me you are just some random cheater fags without any gamesense acting tough on the internet when you manage to win a game. I didnt even try to bust you or anything, I was browsing the CG site and saw you were banned and wanted ohurcool to clarify what has happened.

image: cta3bohkouroq82r9

I never did and never will understand guys like you. If you really are clean and want to play this game and also want people to believe you, why are you constanly and exclusively playing with cheaters and ex-busted players? That just makes no sense to me and also does not raise any level of confidence in you. You say that things wouldve been handled differently if this happened to any other "loved" player. Even if I highly doubt that, its your own fault by only spending your time with retarded busted ppl.
If you really happen to be clean then take my advice and stop playing with known cheaters. Oh and a "fair win" will only happen when you follow my advice and come up with a team without any busted cheaters ;)
you dont have precious time. cba reading that ant-picture. I dont need advice from you.
You seem to think that we need cheats to be good at this game or be better than you.
The moment i came back a year ago people were hating on me for no reason. I have no ego whatsoever you just dont expect me to get flamed on and sit it all out? matter of fact, not even going to talk to you before you do anything stupid to get me banned even longer.
Get over it, I did nothing. Fact is that you played with cheaters/ex-cheaters from the very beginning till the end. Fact #2 is, that even if you did not cheat in the game, your buttbuddies did. Fact #3 is, that I play this game waaay to long to try to bust any random players who showed up when the game was already close to dead.
Oh and as you constantly pretend that I have no "life" or no "precious time", feel free to compare your CV with mine and see the difference.

Im actually interested in your story. I thought you were the belgian iNsAne I played with in 2008. But as your are not, tell me your former nicks? Cause I NEVER EVER heard of you before I saw you playing with trash like outlAw. And dont tell me you started playing and were good at once :D!

Dont you think its a bit stupid to claim "you dont need cheats" where it is a known fact that outlaw was busted several times? Or should i wait some more minutes until he also comes up with a journal like this?
fact you do have no "life". fact they did not? fact you must be an oldschooler than.
differences in dont even know me. This only shows how small minded that little brain of yours work. What has anything not related to this game to do with this journal? Go spoof some shit. might aswell spoof your cv
okay, seems like talking to a wall makes more sense than talking to you, as you are not even capable of carrying on a normal conversation. Sorry for having overrated your intellectual abilities. Yes I dont know you, YET i know that I'm superior to you in many aspects :D I do not need to know you for that, you have shown enough to get an idea :)
you're a massive douchebag. you're in NL at the moment aren't you? Meet up and compare CV's? we'll talk "superior" then.
:DDDDDDDDDD oh jeez but watch out that you dont get killed in your neighborhood ghetto on the way to the train station.

And by way the only douchebag here is you. I provided you with a screenshot AND told u im not the one you are looking for. I won vs u the other night under the kroket fakenick and u started to wish me gl on gamestv matches after that. I had nothing personally against you but the official was just a joke. I dont know who cheated in that match, but we know for sure that this was far from clean from you guys. And maybe start searchin for the guy who seemingly "spoofed" you instead of accusing me ... Just my 2 cents. Do whatever u like :D
i really don't have that bad of a neighborhood actually. I live in the most fortunate places of Amsterdam. It aint ghetto either, kresti was just involving his non-internet life with mine so I made shit clear, the same as i'm doing to you. Personally i had nothing against you and yes that day you won, and I took it like I should have and did. Because i can accept unlike ALOT of players here, that there are others that are simply better. But the moment you started flaming about me cheating I snapped. You have accused me before the whole match we played several times. I did not pay attention to it, because people are sheeps and without thinking and making up own opinions, they shout and imitate others. I don't know what happened to you or us in that game but as far as i'm concerned, there was nothing strange.

And yes maybe my accusation was wrong and misplaced but atleast you can try to understand that something other than my "skill" is getting credit over things I really did by myself, is frustrating as hell. I am no IT-smartass so really im a noob at trying to do the proper research getting the guy who did this, but im sure as hell trying.
Hmh I tought also that you were that belgian iNsAne and since u are not, who are you? I dont really believe that you started playing according to your profile. If I had to guess, I'd say that your previous profile got banned and you needed new nick & profile for new start.

But for what its worth, I didnt think you cheated. You just only played with ex-cheaters/cheaters and thats a bit suspicious.
just came here to say that i agree with this. insAne can u explain this? if you are clean why do you play with busted cheaters? it makes no sens at all! :D
out of the 100 players i played with, actually 3 or 4 were busted once. And judging people because they made a mistake once or twice aint right. I don't play with people because they are clean or skilled or in any way professionally beneficial for whatever in a game like this, i play with em because i can get along, we have fun and they aren't arrogant fucks like half the community is. Why for god sake would i ditch people i like for people that are suppose to be clean? Just makes no sense. In any other situation real life or not it aint common either. So thats the main reason tbh.
fair enough. :)
yes, the game is only fun if you play it for fun right? If you play it with guys you don't like but heck they're clean, doubt if it still remains fun.
i would rather not play though than play with cheaters every day, but hey thats just me.
fact still remains some of them got busted indeed but not at this very moment. Only because you stole a candy once doesnt mean youre a big bad thief, because you were young and reckless.
i would agree with you on that but when it comes to Outlaw it aint the same he has been busted how many times?
Quotefollow my advice and come up with a team without any busted cheaters ;)

now he needs to play without himself i think.
always knew that you were a fake nick spoofer cheater :P
learned from the best (patryk.cfg)
Sorry aber das Argument mit den Cheater mates zieht doch schon lange nicht mehr, dafür ist die Community viel zu klein. Wieviel spielen denn noch regelmäßig 50? Da kommste nicht drumrum.

Ich schau noch ab und an hier und bei GamesTV vorbei und man sieht eh nur noch die selben hardcore junks und von denen waren mehr als die Hälfte schon irgendwann mal busted. Ich versteh zwar schon was du meinst, aber Leute, die eh nichts mehr in dem Game erreichen wollen (bzw. wollten, da es schon vor 3 Jahren so war) interessiert es nunmal ein Scheiss was für ein Eindruck das auf andere macht. Cheater/Ex-Cheater sind halt auch nunmal Menschen mit denen man befreundet sein kann. Und dann wäre es dir auch egal was andere über dich denken, wer spielt denn nicht am liebsten mit seinen Kollegen? #Vj waren effektiv auch 90% (ex)-cheater. Ich wusste sogar größtenteils wer wann cheatet bzw. gecheatet hat und trotzdem würd ich behaupten, dass das meine besten E-buddies sind und ich am meisten Spaß mit ihnen hatte, obwohl ich cheater immer selbst gehated habe. Wiedersprüchlich, wa?

Irgendwie ironisch dass sich in all den Jahren nichts wirklich verändert hat. In ET stand man unbekannten Spielern/Teams immer ablehnend gegenüber und packte erstmal die Cheaterkeule aus. Einige schaffens, die meisten passen sich dem Umfeld entsprechend an.

Gibt doch selbst jetzt noch Beispiele dafür: Kresti hat doch früher auch fast ausschließlich mit vermeitlichen Cheatern gespielt, und selbst deine Clanhistory ist bei aller Liebe auch vorbelastet.
Good that I can understand German, he is such a hyprocritcal idiot.
kresti istn ex-cheater :(((
I know, trotzdem hat seine Vergangenheit nie jemanden gekümmert. Jetzt stellt sich doch die Frage warum? ET hatte halt schon immer ne Heuchler Community. #no hate

P.S. Kresti nur rein exemplarisch, da ich ihn schon sehr lange kenne.
Warum? vll weil ich fast auf jeder Crossfire Challenge vertreten war und dort sehr gute leistungen erbracht habe (auch wenn sich das arrogant anhört) so ist es nicht gemeint aber ich habe mich offline gezeigt und daher hat es niemanden gekümmert weil ich offline sogut wie online war und die leute mich kannten und ich da spiel auch schon sehr lange spiele und man mich kennt durch meine history da ich ob in low+ teams als auch med und high teams gespielt habe und nicht aufeinmal in 7monaten alles geownd habe.
krasser typ *_*
No offense, ich hab zu kTs Zeiten öfter schon mit dir gespielt, da hiesste noch zip und schon da warste gut, deshalb hat mich dein bust nicht wirklich gecaret, weil du halt so oder so was drauf hattest. Aber du warst vor deinem Bust als psoji und später katakana keineswegs Lanproofed und hast damals auch fast ausschließlich mit (ex) cheatern abgehangen, also bist du doch das beste Beispiel dafür das man nicht zwangsläufig cheaten muss / scheisse ist wenn man mit cheatern spielt. Wie würde die Community wohl über dich reden, wenn du nicht auf LAN gegangen wärst? Ich finds einfach lächerlich cheater an der Tatsache festzumachen, das man mit welchen spielt. Das eine hat mit dem anderen wenig zu tun, du warst ja schließlich auch dicke mit junky afaik.
ya das stimmt da gebe ich dir auch recht aber andersrum wieder kennt man insane nicht durch irgendwen anders er war aufeinmal da und spielt hat nur mit outlaw und den anderen da denkt man sich ja schon sein teil.Wenn er auf lan gewesen wäre oder man ihn wenigstens durch irgendwelche früheren high teams kennt ist das für mich wieder ein ganz anderes thema.Hoffe du kannst Nachvollziehen wie ich das meine.Hätte ich jetzt nicht auf lan gespielt und nicht für tausend andere teams gespielt die auch clean waren auf high level würde ich dir 100% recht geben und wäre nicht anders als insane.

Ja okay da kann ich nicht mitreden, bin schon zu lange raus aus dem Game. Ich kann mich zwar an einen insane erinnern, aber ob das nun der Belgier oder Holländer war, kann ich nicht sicher sagen. Die Vergangenheit lehrt einen halt nunmal auch, dass es meistens Cheater sind wenn sie auf einmal übelst abgehen. Outlaw war schon damals suspekt, insofern muss ich dir da wohl Recht geben. Trotzdem gibts zu viel schwarz weiss Denker in der Community, wenn ich da nur an die AoW/Lost Zeiten zurückdenke. Najo unterhaltsam ist sowas halt immer (noch). :D
lüg doch nich :(
well i remember he wrote a confession that he cheated (?) Or am i wrong :s
He was at lan before that.
i Think he doesnt mean the english word isnt. He means the german word ist ein (istn). And that means that he is one.
He was busted under the nick of Katakana (might have some 4's there) a long time ago.
ist sie ? :D
Nichts gegen dich Maks, ich will nur deutlich machen, dass man selten drumrum kommt mit ex-cheatern zu spielen, da die community zu klein ist. :P Und ja, ich denk da so explizit an depthGaming + cdap black.
joa da hste wohl recht, dennoch denke ich dass es nen unterschied macht ob man ab und zu in solchen kreisen verkehrt oder sich echt nur mit solchen leuten rumtreibt.
bro, #Vj clean
Doesn't matter, #Vj 4ever
when the hell did you get busted rofl
anyway forever OC div8 in 6on6
lol my god guys get a life the game is dead
You guys should do something with this..

Kom ts3 dan kanker jong
jij bent er niet graftak
Think it's time you went outside and saw something. Credit- United Kingdom jn0
ins and crew gettin rekt by [CG] szczurek

hahah rekt
nice vid. total irrelevant to the matter. Nothing got "rekt" here. So get your funny ass and your funny vid out of here.
Take a seet m8, rekt 360 noscope
why admins care, just unban him and all the others who are banned
Didnt read this shit, but just gotta say outlaw, ins who both got accused a lot of times are clean and skilled players in my eyes, but i might be wrong since i dont really know them.

xpreia and co SOMETIMES were more fishy for me at least :|
xddddddddd are u on crack or something? :D
:) Atleast some people won't deny the truth.
i dont know insmth but if you mentionned both, they probably sucks

and yes, i agree, xperia is a fagget
insert random truth...
are you Netherlands phunk?
well thats a lot to read about, I need another cup of coffee to read the whole thing :D
This journal gives me ebola when i am trying to read it.
6 months and 23 days

nice and funny read there, enjoyed 10/10.
I'm not even surprised about your ban because you're playing with retarded / busted players.
Your story is about someone spoofed your IP, at least it's better than ' my brother cheated on my pc I'm sorry '.
And only nejm's comments are interesting and constructive, he is giving lessons to oldschoolers.
insane jij komen hier???? jij komen hier praatn tegn mij????? ahauwww.. jij komen hier in sittard praatn tegen mij???????? ik maak jou kont kaput ahaaauwww..
wenn ich mich zurück erinnere finde ich es schon fast schade das ich nie gecheatet habe ,heute rennen bestimmt 80 % oder mehr mit irrgendwas rum,was die ganze scheis comunity auch weiß, und dann wird man noch als noob abgestempelt, spieleranzahl hin oder her, wer mit cheatern spielt wird früher oder später auch zu mitteln greifen um den skill anzuheben,früher hat man die cheater hard gehated die konnten sich nirrgends mehr sehen lassen ob pub oder clans,das spiel ist einfach verseucht mit kiddies die meinen mit bots cool zu sein,als ich dann gesehen hab das unser admin mit n-plan und co spielt wars für mich dann ganz aus,da gibts nurnoch eins f5 kurzum quit.
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