Recommend me some new PC components

Title. Current components can be seen in my profile. Budget ~1000e max(ish). I'm kinda out of loop of everything, been like 3-5y since I last checked anything about components. Will buy components early next year, unless u can tell me why not to do so etc. Just suggest anything nice combo and maybe some decent places where to get them since I'v always bought them from Finland. Anything up&coming tech i should wait, is ddr4 thing yet etc? What parts become bottlenecks easily nowdays?
Updating because gonna try some new games with candy settings, got enought of 10y ET blank graphs :-)

P.S. Will use same case unless its too small(doubt that).
P.P.S. Budget can be extended if necessary for some nice combo.
Processor: intel i5 4690k + graphic card: nvidia gtx 760/gtx 770 or radeon r9 280/r9 280x, thats actually the best choice about ur budget, but if u feel like wait till next year, nvidia going to premiere mid budget graph card based on the new architecture: gtx 960. Actually gtx 980 and 970 beating radeons in prize/performance ratio, which didnt happened for few years. I think it gonna be worth to wait, also to wait for radeon move.
QuoteI5 4690k + R9 280/x

This is basically the best choice.
I know, but i gave here an option for amd haters.
gtx970 all the way!
you don't need better computer for ET
i5 4690K
GTX970 4Go
MSI Z97 Gaming 5
2x4Go DDR3 ~1866Mhz
Crucial MX100
WD Caviar Blue 1To
Seasonic G Series 450W

gg wp
550 watts min imo. 450 would be not enough after overclocking, especially if he will upgrade coolers. Prize difference between 450w and 600w isnt that high so its worth to buy higherone.
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