*|* Needs Two

United States of America Electrostatic Discharge needs an amazing reviving medic and a beast aimer to finish CG Season 2.

We need a reviving medic, like a really brained one, who knows when is the time to revive and who to revive and on what order to revive and when to shoot first before reviving and when tk revive and when to let opponent shoot instead of doing the tk revive and when to gib before trying to do useless revive.

And we need a rambo medic who is a stable and strong aimer. Being able to ingame lead is a plus, and at least revive those who are around you..

Canada Tomun
United States of America ipod
Belgium siL
Finland Webe

image: JIQQijH

medic description (c) Finland caej 2014
Who got benched?
s1LENT isn't very motivated to play with us anymore due to the lack of a good medic.
this has always been a problem with your team. good aimers and individualists but no teamplay and no revive medic(s)
Some years ago someone said sqzz is the best medic in ET, maybe ask him :S
rossko best :s
Is this real world? sorry just took a huge sniff of.. Well I will let it to your imagination, going to wonder off for a bit, good luck getting a good medic man, like a really brained one, who knows when is the time to revive and who to revive and on what order to revive and when to shoot first before reviving and when tk revive and when to let opponent shoot instead of doing the tk revive and when to gib before trying to do useless revive and what else, did i miss anything?
you sound like an amazing medic.
A supportive medic been my role in the past bro.
are you searching for a team?
No sorry :( JRP on my heart with all those lovely personalities <3
Ah nice, you took my txt for the post. :D Maybe this helps some ppl to get better with the ultimately important class called medic.
Electrostatic Discharge :p?

i thought the teamname was penis after seeing the symbol haha
nice photoshop skills!
good thing to bench this nazi
:D u wot m8

nerd :D

wanted to play with a team

but cant force myself to stay home to play ET xd
instead u stay home and play LoL


rushing plat, 4 days of weekend yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaahh
you get to play with the finnish legend webe
avi as reviving medic
avi, i would like to rage at ipod
how to contact, where to contact?
get United States of Americabdmatt
Inac backup avi.
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