TosspoT @ Dirty Bomb vid

I did notice the lack of alcohol intake - that full beer at the end of the video :P
Are there any players playing it?

A few months ago i was playing it and it went dead pretty fast (20 players online max in the evening on EU).

edit: The game also lacks quake jumping tricks and has stupid ironsights and their bullshit excuse that it doesn't really matter much isn't helping either. Yeah might not matter to a noob who can barely look around with a mouse, but for competitive play its a big deal.
In the beginning the activity was nice, because it wasn't as modified as it is now, it's shit. Another brink.
I kinda liked Brink but it was focused for console players :(
Last time I checked nobody was playing because the servers were really shitty / unplayable. Maybe they took the beta offline for a while ? No idea actually. .
"How many beards can you count in this video?"

Definitely not TosspoT :D That guy never ages, like a giant 15 yr old :))
I tried to play Dirty Bomb but it says Checking files 100% Verifying and wouldn't move on :/
i feel like tosspot promoting the game gives the wrong idea and false hope to this particular community :(
looks like a bad game tbh... why they did not work on ET 2, dont get it
Because Splash Damage.
I think it is the most polished game they have made for a long time. It is a shame how long it has taken though. They should have gone for a light weight/core feature release to public (5 maps, 5 characters, something like that) and then added new stuff each year/6 months there after.

They have been implementing closed beta participant feedback which is great (and not so great because some of the suggestions aren't good), but there has just been too many rounds of that.

I really do think taking this long has killed it, especially now Overwatch has been announced and it already looks way better and more appealing to the average FPS gamer (probably not most etpro players but come on, there are like a few hundred of us).
Agreed on most parts.

Overwatch looks like TF2 spam a million things at once garbage to me. I prefer pure skill games.
yeah that is the thing, the amount of people that prefer pure skill games is not enough to warrant anyone building a game for that market. Well, not from someone the size of SD, they need to make good money with each title they create now.
Man that game looks like it's already 4 years out
good game but nothing more
Did i just watch team fortress trailer?
Funny how they do not show any iron sights usage in this video to make people believe it could be just like ET. Or maybe they start to realise their game is shit unless they remove it along with their fucking random spread
This game, just like their previous project will fail hard. I love how SD keep saying in their videos that "We make community games, because we listen to the community, balblalba"
fail company with fail games
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