[Information] CGAC Update

Quote by badkipAfter seeing people asking questions about when the new CGAC will be released and complaining about being in the dark, I decided to make this forum thread to keep everybody up-to-date.

Important changes:

  • CGAC will no longer support Windows XP.
  • Call of Duty 4 no longer has Visual C++ dependency.
  • Auto-updater.
  • CGAC will just run without installing it.
I am not going to bore you with all the other changes. So if you are a Windows XP user, please update to a more modern operating system.

About the time-frame for the release, I honestly can not say when it will be finished. I can however put a percentage on how much is done already.

Percentage done: 57%

Source: http://eu.cybergamer.com/forums/thread/556103/Information-CGAC-Update/

No words about ET atm, but stay tuned.
Is it some kind of joke ?:D
nice, new update more cheaters to bust :p
i'm very interested on the other changes.. wtf is this shit..
Why so late with the goddamn auto-updater??
QuoteCGAC will just run without installing it.

i guess it will be "on the fly" so all the information are stored on their server or he just don't know what he is doin

would prefer the 2nd
bitches who aint got no money for a recent os will be forced to play mineswheeper 24/7 :x::D/x::D
ET is not for peasants. Get a modern operating system.
u definitely didn understand my sentence unforgivenm8
u definitely didn understand my sentence unforgivenm8

lol u really disappointed me
i wont update my lovely xp in near future - i am poor no money for new pc -- and when i have money i prefer to buy some food for homeless people around in my city
ET is not for peasants. Get a modern operating system. XDDDDDDDDDDDD
In all honesty when it comes to running on old pc's, win8 does just as good, if not even better than XP, so that point is inavalid.
no one should use an unsupported OS like XP anyway
i support myself do not need support from microsoft
Out of curiosity, what is the worst possible scenario what could happen to an XP user (I am one) when I use my PC only for cf/gtv/ET/movie downloading? Yeah, thats what I thought.
It can update itself to motherfucking 8.1
someone could abuse a known vulnerability -- which won't ever get patched because it's an unsupported system
but if he doesn't even do online banking or shopping, or store any personal information, why does that matter?
not much i guess :)
most of the time when you're hacked, your PC just becomes part of a botnet, ie. spreading spam, DDoSing etc

which isn't pleasant
Cheers for headsup
well, i lold about cwelac but it seems we have no choice :__D
Have you taken certain properties and features from CWELAC ?
When I read the title, I thought we had to use CGAC for offis in ET again. No offis for Good effort anymore if that were to be the case.
Arent tou the only one off us who never played an offi with cgac?
Gg selfbust #freeIceQ
Same for me

e: wouldnt be bothered to install that shit agian obviously
go away, quit this game, leave this scene, you are cancer
So sad, after seeing you asslicking me, like many others. Hahahaha
When and where did I do that?
I have tons of demos of you kicking people on nbs because of variant reason like, killing you too many times, spawnkilling you, blocking you in spawn, not reviving you etc. So bobi you piece of shit from 1997, young lad with no real future, just pissing people off being retard, you know, I and many more on CF have no respect for you. You suck in this game, you suck in life as well, because you get the impression of this game, you are "powerful" . You are nothing, see you in mcdonals soon.
Get over it man. dont get why ppl still get mad over that retarded piece of shit.
Dont feed the troll pls.
:D :D :D
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