Interstellar [spoilers]

Have you guys watched it? Saw it yesterday and I was blown away of its visual beauty and score(too bad Finland doesnt have IMAX theater would have been even more epic:<<< ). Also the plot was emotional and mind bending. The docking scene with zimmer music was just pure epicness, no words to describe that........ Loved the silent space shots when I could even hear my own heart beating in cinema. The moment when they got out from the water planet to the spaceship again and all those years had passed got me emotionally totally.
Solid 10/10 movie was totally worth of waiting 1 and half year for this.
image: ut_interstellarOpener_f

some hans zimmer score
can I trust u? I hope so. Id like to hear my own heart beating in space.
totally agree, awesome movie!
QuoteFinland doesnt have IMAX theater

image: urjWuCi

IMAX of this was legit.

2001 is still the better movie though
I like 2001 but have to say interstellar topped it
Give it a few years, the "wow" factor of Interstellar will wane. Don't get me wrong, it's a great movie and an even greater cinematic experience, but there is a reason 2001 is considered by almost everyone as one of the most timeless movies ever.

And it will be re-released:

mainly coz its so abstract movie i guess
Not really, it has a definite unambiguous narrative.
i agree, it was one of the best film i have seen in a movie theater.
i agree, FIFTY was one of the best player i have seen in a nations cup.
decent movie, bit too long but overall really decent 9/10
It is beyond me how people can claim the movie to be 'brainy', 'intelligent', 'well written'... With all the things I read about the movie prior to seeing it makes it the biggest disappointment I've experienced from cinema in years.
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