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braundorf_b4 supply sw_oasis_b3 bremen_b2 radar et_ice adlernest_roof_b2 sp_delivery_te Frostbite baserace
adlernest_roof_b2 supply braundorf_b4 sw_battery karsiah_te2 sp_delivery_te bremen_b2 goldrush-ga Frostbite venice
braundorf_b4 supply et_ice sw_oasis_b3 karsiah_te2 adlernest_roof_b2 sp_delivery_te Frostbite tc_base trmfght_beta2
supply braundorf_b4 sp_delivery_te karsiah_te2 adlernest_roof_b2 Warbell tc_base Frostbite et_beach baserace
braundorf_b4 caen sw_oasis_b3 supply bremen_b2 sp_delivery_te glider_302 Frostbite eagles_2ways_b3 goldrush-ga
sw_battery supply braundorf_b4 sw_oasis_b3 adlernest_roof_b2 Frostbite mlb_carnage sp_delivery_te et_beach
braundorf_b4 et_ice tc_base railgun radar Frostbite adlernest_roof_b2 __BRIDGES__ sp_delivery_te goldendunk_a2
Something for everyone, not as many custom/big maps any more :)))
But I have no idea what he's talking about, and nobody from HBC been doing that anyway, poor PL nerd :D
mine aggresive answer was just a trap to feel you, ok ?:XXX
sooooorrrry Panda now im sure that u cannot ddos anything, keep HBC alive, very good server noone cheats there etc :D!
glad i stopped to play there otherwise i would fuck the shit admins in their fucking own world "rules are not for admins" bs...
its like on hirntot/hirnlos except they are using normal spawntimes... best public was Nexus, too bad i got banned 2 years ago because i were even more harsh than to ohurcool
and i'm pissed of on hirn or other public because of all the restrictions and download stuff..
are you still using your bobot nick?
except u apologized and said it wasnt mine after all