

Netherlands kAPOT still allowing banned players in his cups and acting like it's a normal thing to do.
image: OIXrp

Netherlands iNsA gonna beat up Czech Republic BOBiKA @ LAN for writing comments on cf/gtv
image: wtf

Poland igi being confused and incomprehensible in every single comment
image: YesMinisterReaction61

Netherlands base pretending he isn't on his PC 24/7 -> expecting people to believe it even though before his ban he was playing ET 450h/month
image: jonah-hill-no

Europe fools blaming admins (only ones keeping this game alive still) for the entire situation
image: lol_srs

meanwhile in paradise: Poland Robaciek cut his hair from 50cm to 10mm + Netherlands woott discovered Finland Swanidius' secret porn habits.

image: Ron-Burgandy-Finishes-Drink-Quickly-Anchorman
best journal 2k14
riddle for freddy. I give u hint: black cat


riddle is gone artstar mad

new try
image: 161114
Im a sick man, I shall never watch porn again!
whgat is that girl
Tori Black :s
get sober artstar :D
Thats all because of gav :D

Nice journal bro XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
10/10 haha
brainiacs strikes again.
I think base after ban realised its time to fuck bitches and thats what he does now and we all jelly
best journal i read in the last few month, keep it up et need more drama! :d
CU @ LAN for the fist fight.
Return of Jasperm8!
MarseilleLeFrancis who followed ET scene for years with passion doesnt give a shit about these wannabe newcomers but still comments to let his e-friends know he is still alive.
Get back in ur cave
wtf is this shit
lol fucking nerds
base: hij kan de kanker krijgen met zn lelijke autisten rode kop de hele dag video's maken van et en 30gb aan dingen uploaden op cf hele weekenden thuis zitten en spelletjes spelen

nice journal, I like it.

in lineup: base

image: base247

more offis in 2 months than I have in the last year. :D I'm scared to even scroll down on that list.
And that's just ettv, the months before when I was stll playing this shit game I saw him on irc every time I wanted to war
since base is banned ( xD ) :

base: mad kankermongooltje boos omdat ik hem verwijder in 3v3 n 6v6 ook al speelt ie 12 jaar xD xD xD sorry ik neem zwetende nerdjes met een kop als jou niet serieus, ga een keer naar buiten, kom je ook onder de mensen in plaats van allemaan maar yt videotjes up te loaden 15u per dag.
waste of valuable oxygen to argue with someone scared to admit he has a problem
also btw:
uploaded 4 videos (3mins upload time)

for now im done, sorry :O takecare<3

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