Custom settings amd drivers

Hi, i want to set custom hz value in monitor settings. Catalyst driver confused me, since it hasnt anything like: "set custom resolution" in main desktop settings, which i had in my old gtx285 drivers (also that value - 125hz been working on gtx285). Actually tried with little program called: "radeon custom resolution manager" where i set my resolution (didnt set any custom resolution,nativeone with 125hz instead of 144/120/100), i did save and reboot pc, as instrucion let me do. Didnt happen anything, couldnt find that hz value in my catalyst control center.
I tried also this:
which makes probably the same as RCRM, did follow instructions carefully without any effects again. Ofc now when im checking register or custom resolutions in rcrm, i can see that 1920/1080 + 125hz but not in amd drivers.
monitor: benq xl2411z
gfx: radeon r9 280
driver: actually catalyst 14.9, which i changed from 14.11 when i couldnt fix my problem.
win7 ultimate
rightmouse desktop -» Display settings -» monitor
np mate
thanks man, u did help me a lot. i never did mind to do that! wait, its useless like all ur tips.
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jestes takim urwipołciem i mamejem, że szkoda mi słów na ciebie.
where is stroh?
Got the same monitor and a r7 gfx card using 1920x1080 @144hz, why do you want 125hz? why not 120/140/144?
144hz and 125fps in et for example is pretty solid or just 125fps and 120hz , but if you really wanna have it set to 125 hz then try this and or this
Doesn't lightboost increase the delay on your monitor?
Lightboost or benq blur reduction lowers brightness of screen and minimalizes input lag, it changes only monitor's reaction time between gfx and view u can see on ur screen. Default is about 2 or 5 ms, benq blur reduction lowers it up to 0.5ms (CRT monitors still beating it up a little, except u havent analog vga plug in ur gfx and using dvi/vga adapter, which converts signal from digital to analog, then benq monitors with BBR even winning input lag comparation).
I will try to explain u on simple example:
Monitor (M): hi im monitor, i got higher refreshing rate than fps that comes to me.
Graphic card (G): hi, just read this above.
M: hi, i want to show a frame
G: sure thing bro, take this
few miliseconds later...
M: yo i need next frame bro
G: wait, i didnt render it bro, gimme a milisecond
M: sorry bro, my refresh rate is constant, so i need to show the same frame again
G: ok! I got next frame for u man
M: take a milisecond! Im showing previous frame again. I will take the newone in next refreshing step
G: sure, frame will wait for u, i will render nextone then
M:ok bro im getting a frame u did render few ms ago!
G: sure thing, i almost done nextone for u...
M:ok man, frame please!
G: here u go, i got one in time for u again!
and it repeats all the time...

What can u notice? Firstly unstable input lag, when its the lowest, its just the same as u would get with same hz as fps.Another thing are little warps, which wanna come from repeating the same frame. Ofc with 144hz and 125fps it wont be that simple, there will be many more steps before synchronize for one step of fps and hz again.
Maybe its not that important, but it pisses me off a bit. Amd couldnt do smth obvious and simple as custom monitor settings, while nvidia has it for over 6 years at least. 125 fps rate is a known value for every game based on q3 engine (q3 fps bugs, firstly its one of few stable fps values in usefull fps section [100-150] - enough for comfort and smoothness, usually not too high for gfx [next stable value lower than 125 is 111,higher about 150?]. Also one of few which gives u a little higher jump) now even new fast fps games without these fps bugs like warsow or ql has a default 125 fps, so i wonder why couldnt benq prepare that refresh step since these monitors were made mostly for fast fps gamers.
Didnt mean for you to use lightboost/strobelight meant for you to try the CRU to create a custom resolution which is not hard and takes about 1 min and 1 restart :p
No, i did only answer u why higher refreshing rate than fps isnt as good as lower hz set on fps lvl. Actually couldnt try these things since im away from computer, but thanks for help.
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