CSGO Drama

Anyone else here following CS scene and the drama of the last couple of days? France KQLY and France Superfighter(Sf) both getting a VAC ban and getting their teams, Epsilon and Titan, disqualified from Dreamhack Winter... Goodbye chance at 100k and goodbye guaranteed 50k sticker money.

Any speculations on who will come next? Discuss?
pyth, olofmeister, krimz, rallen, kioshima, apex, jw, virtus.pro players and several german players
are u rly saurus about virtus.pro players? (dont know the other ones so well tho)
that was the list smn released, including KQLY, after having gotten vac banned himself a few days ago.
he didnt release it. someone trolled crzy who released those names in a blog
story keeps changing. :P First he admitted to having released it, later on denied it and accused random trolls, shortly after confirmed the initial release and is now calling it a hoax again? :(

Either way, wouldn't be surprised at all to see olofmeister being banned :P
well i dont know really :D but the list looks so fake anyway, cant be that many
I don't even think that many germans who play on "top level" might be affected, only one I can say for sure is nex, beside that, probably cly
well, its huge drama, cant wait for more bans, im curious what titan and epsilon (gamings) will do about it, 100% sure about the stickers tho?
Ye, the teams can't attend DHW now. These teams get money that is raised from the Valve sticker capsules. Now they can't attend, they don't get that money.
i was hyped about those autographs :D too bad it wont happen and those new stickers are shitty, expected more after Katowice

well bad for them
Next on line: chickita, always knew it
how can she hack and still be single AK?!?
she was dmg (?), now everything makes sense!
lol is getting excited this show :D
love it
more bans will come for sure!!!
almost as exciting as killerboy announcing he was putting together a new list
Can someone explain me what the fuck? Arent they a LAN players where they performed very well? Whats the point of cheating when u are in a top multigaming and u are about to go to a LAN. Wtf, it makes no sense :S
They were supposedly cheating, ON LAN. Using a workshop exploit that allowed them to download cheats via steam itself and run them silently on lan PCs.
Thats fucking retarded to be fair. Its like they were stealing moneys for not being fair and by winning some shit in this game :S Hehe, and ppl complain about ET cheaters :_D..
cheat level: asian xD
Well the thing is its supposed to be some cheat that was also used at LANs since the security at these lans is apparently not that great and players can go online and use usb devices for drivers etc(which isnt weird but the admins dont check it well enough)

ESEA got their hands on some private cheat and gave it to valve and now valve is applying the detection to the whole community so a lot of bans are coming up, including so far tier1/tier2 players.

SMN, the second busted person in this wave, then posted a list with names of people who he claims also used or are using this cheat or a variation of it. Though abit after it he claimed it wasnt him who posted it and later again said he did.

So for now, just sit back and let the drama unfold xD
Do u have any link or u know what players exactly he meant to be cheating? :P
It's the list that Oxy said earlier
Drama on ET is much more interesting!
Edit: Looks serious :o
Nah dude :d Et has never been SO serious :P
team.fr, team.be and team.pl busts in the past were pretty serious. Not to mention countless of other "high profile" players.
urtier's shirtgate scandal!
I didn't follow ET since like 2007. Could you fill me in what belgians or what high profile players were busted since then?
I honestly wouldn't know when the specific bans happened. It's been so many years. :P but kris.nl, razz, _shy, senji, kevin, vila, lio, acid, zeto, jetro, maus(?), wiaderko, kresti, phyzic, alexl, slajdan(?), fanatic, joshua, lunatic, motif, mize, wizzel, sup3r, al1, gifted(?) and mind are few of the ones spread over the years I can recall right now. There's been many more, some for less severe reasons than others, but ultimately a lot of your "current top scene" in ET consists of formerly busted/banned players. You'd have to ask someone like Artstar if you wanted a more precise list. I'm sure he'll be able to produce a lot more and maybe even chronologically correct list.

Edit: You might be interested in this:

Edit2: Moaaaaar.
Artstar, The ET Encyclopedia.
It will take too long until he reaches that REPLY button with his low sensitivity settings......
idle.senji? or you meant seNti or whatever his name was?
pretty certain senji was caught testing chiits on a pub with shy and keran :P might be remembering it wrong, but it was a big issue back then.
ye i definitely remember shy & keran
I think the hungarian seNti was busted.
of that list, the only ones who were ever actually banned: razz, _shy, Kevin, vila, zeto, wiadro, kReSti, MOTiF, mize, AL1, Sup3r, miNd, phyzic, alexL, fanatic, joshua (santje), Lun4t1C, jetro, seNti, Kamz, perfo (brother :PP)

caught/admitted but not banned: maus, lio, acid (or snot, can't remember)

accused but never proven: kris.nl, slajdan (demo banned, later unbanned?), wizzel, Gifted (only accused because Sup3r is his brother), marv, jonas, NuggaN

many many more fit those categories but there's your list and some related players.
Czech Republic marv
he never went to LANs (even CZ ones?) and was definitely accused in ~07 because of this, mostly because of being in the team that won both CF LANs in that year without him (TLR).
I know the full story, it took me a lot to find out all the pieces, but I get why he was unable to attend LANs at that time and he never really played with Czech people after he "switched" his nick to marv and actually started playing good (he was always good, but became known under marv obviously)... So I think it was lack of motivation to play on "lesser" skill than what he was playing against with TLR. re Cze lans
QuoteSo I think it was lack of motivation to play on "lesser" skill than what he was playing against with TLR. re Cze lans

he didn't attend LAN with TLR either, that's the key reason he was being accused by some people within the community at the time (including members of Dignitas and other top teams).

Quotehe never really played with Czech people after he "switched" his nick to marv

he did actually play with the nick marv while playing for Czech Republic Singularity + Team CZE, so I have no idea what you mean here. :D those teams were years before he got into cZar & aMenti/TLR/BB.
marv played in a lot of Czech teams before he got there, Czech Republic nEph (he was kicked out because they thought he was a cheater), Czech Republic g4l, Czech Republic qET -> inactive and then he started as marv in Czech Republic Singularity ( http://www.gamestv.org/event/452-singularity-vs-team-beta/statistics/)... Not really years inbetween them.
He was always good, shame there are no games pre 2006 with him, atleast I can't find any with his nick in it...
Quotehe didn't attend LAN with TLR either, that's the key reason he was being accused by some people within the community at the time (including members of Dignitas and other top teams).

People still say they accused him, of what? What kind of cheating?
His reason why he never went to LAN were financial/school/parents combo, because he was as young as me, or even YOUNGER at that time.

He also didn't get to go to one lan (which TLR went to) because he had very important graduation test the day after lan.
Marv is a cheater, it's simple as that, mr. Kip who could not hit anything.. Became super good overnight, joined nEph but they had to kick him fast as he was just obvious (he was super player at practice, but when it came to offical match he had extreme skill drop). Then he dissapeared for like a year and returned as super duper skilled Marv.. Obvious cheater is obvious :D
Actually thats kinda interesting if true :D
As far as others told me, pecka is marv's personal hater :D

Kip, $tro, marv.... I wonder in which year he was supposed to dissappear and come back stronger than before? :D

Shame there isnt that many ETTV matches pre 06'
you also forgot upload's sister
mAus confirmed(by himself) cheating.
Quote by mAusI used a bot 3 years ago for like a couple of hours, and I was thinking what is the funny part about cheating? Nothing.

this is the real "confession" so nobody actually believes he admitted to cheating competitively.
Why do I keep remembering mAus + red triangles journals?
some etpro guid spoofing stuff I think? that's why banning for red yawns on etpro guids stopped being conclusive "evidence" after sometime in ~07-09, because it was happening so often to top players (chmpp/walle, butchji etc). :D
Yeah, that must be it.
actually i did that on purpose but etpro guid spoofing wasnt really the problem, but the question if pb guids could be spoofed aswell. I mean i assume they could since it couldnt be evidence but i dont even know now that i think about it. (maybe some busted just said it and everyone believed it??)
ah, right. then I confess too, I used the flying car cheat in GTA San Andreas in 2004. damn it feels good to get that off my chest, I hope the community will accept me still!!
offline = online?
Nice, I hope admins see this and you get a ban you deserve for cheating.
lio, vila, zeto, jetro, wiaderko, jaN, sw1ruz, mize, kresti, motif?, lunatic, upload, aima/dean/lesti, hevimies, furman, grzesziek, alexL, PhyZic, sup3r, + shit loads of french guys? :D

e: for sure there is many more known busted player :/
jaN was banned on very questionable evidence, maybe it was the pressure about him that made the admins ban him for one action.

And more than half of your list weren't "high profile" players when they were busted, and still arent.
I remember those .avi of him that were pretty obvious imho
like Webe said most of your list weren't even top level players when they got busted, nor are they now. :P
are you talking about squad game or something which happened way earlier?
I have no clue what game it was :D
meh you'd have to have been there, ET had crazy drama in the prime years (04-09), after that time the big drama moments kinda disappeared due to many factors (playerbase getting smaller in CB/ESL leagues, switch to 5on5, top teams not signing up to most online events etc). one of the key killers of the drama in the ET scene, believe it or not, was the introduction of SLAC (later TZAC). it caught more (league) cheaters than had ever been caught before, and made the majority of cheaters scared to use their software because it was so effective. ever since 2009 the amount of cheaters dropped severely in the competitive scene, though the transition from boycotting Punkbuster to working on a new competitive AC took too long (~1yr).

good example of the level of drama in ET (all posted in the journals within a matter of minutes):
image: Z4LhY-Untitled-1_copy_180x240
That was a fun night, without EstoniaNight, duh. Idle suprisingly lost their qualifier to zP and afterwards also losing to cdap in the loser bracket final. The madness on crossfire - epic.
they were still undefeated in 6on6 for months after that (kudos Night)!!

but it is indeed a good example of the amount of drama involved in the ET community way back when. :P
Drama is what kept this site alive for most of the time. Mostly the daily drama though. :P
usually involving cheaters, sadly. :l that's why after SLAC it was just so quiet in general in regards to the daily cheater accusations that were previously so common. :P I think from summer 2010 to the middle of 2012 I might have accused two to three players maximum, and those were included in each following banwave anyway. :D
Because SLAC simply worked - lots of players were suddenly a lot worse than they used to be. It came a bit too late competition wise, but I've never felt like I'm getting cheated during those times. Of course there still were a few fishy players that I had expected to get busted, but noone obviously aimbotted or wallhacked like they did before slac times. :3
When SLAC - TZAC (whatever you want to use) was at its best, you could go to NBS *BiO*, get rolled by some random , check screenshots 15mins later and see wallhack there :D
Killerboy went to work ESEA?

http://www.hltv.org/n/13643 more to come
kioshima already moved all his skins to another character: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198000782895


today is a good day for the French
shit got Cheerios
ET one and only cheatersfree game which doesnt even need an anticheat. GG
Ban predictions? smitZz sounds familiar to me...
isnt vac known for false bans?

and got Germany onlineJ already banned?
the vaccening
Ahah how the fuck can they cheat on LAN? gg their whole career's as pro gamers is dead
Which one? UGS? If yes then it wasn't 100% confirmed/sure. One old comment:
I think our boys (aima etc) did it with the mouse's USB drivers or some such, so it should be something similar/driver related.
i heard a different story. that they were sure he is cheating and even switched his mouse and shit on lan and later on found out that he was on drugs and thats why he shot so good :P
With a private silent aimbot.
troubley and one more ger but i cant remember his nick^^ he played for team ger in the last nc and had some obv moments, but im not sure tho

if u r watchin streams from some pros playin mm they arent good most of the time aimwise... beside device and scream
i guess i mean krystal
he still plays tho right?
that's my

So, no wonder NiP sucked when pretty much each and every of their opponents cheated. Oh yeah Fnatic... ouch.

Edit: HLTV still looks like the old CF, why did "we" change to another layout again? -_-
smartphone, tablet and shit..
ScreaM is next

"If I kill him........ I kill him" - ScreaM 2014
hah i watched this when he streamed it :D
"Yeah" - Hiko 2014
No flame pls, consider that I only played like 6hours total of CS:GO and only watched the CS:GO streams because I liked the coverage and mostly i saw LAN perfomances so Im not really into it...

But considering these guys attend atleast 2-3(maybe more?) LANs per half a year, how is it that no one ever thought of them as cheaters? Surely if they cheated, there should be something different into their game or did they just put it all on "luck by skiller" ?

Also I get that it isn't that checked at LANs, since there is no way someone can see behind these guys and there is mostly wall like 2m behind them, but how fucking solid balls u got to have to actually cheat at lan? LOL
Quotehow fucking solid balls u got to have to actually cheat at lan?

Yeah, respect to lan cheaters.
Btw no wonder u called ur team big balls, u think its smth brave to cheat in offis :D
the cheats are not visible... it is more like a spraycontrol and other stuff you cant see on the monitor...

and there are no walls behind the players..you can watch them/their monitor nearly all the time...just for the mainstage you can`t stand behind them...
I thought there were accusations of radar hacks?
no radar hacks but apparently some sound hack that if an enemy is close to you you hear a beep, but no one seems to actually know what the cheat does besides some blogs from shady people claiming to be the coder or knowing the coders
Can just imagine it being like a parking sensor on a car, beep beep beep beep beep beep beepbeepbeeeeeeeeeeeeee during LAN
but wait, there is more...
Fusengate 3.0
Come back to cast some ET, no cheaters here image: 12200d1370719330t-proposed-solutions-solutions-melee-pvp-large
Now I know why mAus was so good at lan also.... mAus son step up, its time to admit :D

Btw I dont think cheating on lan requires much "balls". I mean, there is no way anyone would notice. If you watch these tournaments, the players can browse the web from the computer, they can "set up the computer" for long-long minutes, sometimes hours, they can just install whatever they want.

These private lan cheats are pretty much advanced shits. Downloading from SteamCloud, then executes itselfs. Its totally transparent, you cant notice it in task manager for example. Basically its like an aim-assist. Randomly helps your aim a bit here and there (so its nothing blatant, you will still miss shots, and can still loose fights). There are ofcourse force-headshot and force-upperbody shot key for important rounds/fights.

The only solution is to make huge changes on the lan environment. Dont let players connect usb-pendrives, dont give them access to the internet, an admin should always check what the players is doing during "setup", also there could be a program that monitors whats happening on the computer since the start.
gg mAus busted.

you heard it first from powi
That damned mAus, he was using SteamCloud the entire time!
Grats, this is the exact mentality why its so fuckin easy to cheat on lan.

Of course im not accusing him, im just saying it would be easy for anyone to do that.
I can't remember if it was ADROITS or SAGE, but there were players that flamed it a lot that you had internet acces and that you could browse the internet, play, install shit and no one would be even checking you, like in Internet Café...

Hehe, admins should be there while players set up their computers, internet acces shouldn't be allowed on PCs that are used for the "big stage" at LAN and shit
Thought u were gonna say something like I got juked in trade ehehehehe
good drama tho
Ffs. Was the same with ET as soon as g5 start ripping it up to the max top tier teams start bricking it and downloading aim bots. Same thing in Arctic combat. Ripped it so hard the developers deleted the game. Oh well onto the next fps for g5. Keep it real. No ticket...no entry!!
I dont really find csgo and related that very interesting, but I want to write some greets.
Probably, Germany smn are just steaming mad and want to deflect the focus away from himself.
However, knowing Sweden jw as a person just a little, which is greatly more than I can say about any other of those names, I could see him do something like that, although unlikely.

Anyone else noticed that the genomes of all these boys probably stems from the same broodmother?
jw has cheated in the past and admitted it. was way before his pro career tho
Yeah I know, unfortunately that is a very common player characteristic for all the big competitive and the major casual games.
I reason that it is probably one of the important ingredients that such games become exactly what they are.
A shitload of players, A shitload of cash, A shitload of promotional and competitive events, A shitload of shit.
Honestly think that it's because the gamer crowd feels younger/more immature and don't have propal moral values when it comes to cheating. Atleast for me(not that I'm old and I played ET since release and I was young at the time but I guess I was raised with proper values) every time I had a slight hint of curiosity to cheats I would start feeling guilty at the thought xD
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