Need offi + players @ sunday *BB*
21 Nov 2014, 16:20
since Sklamak is avi and JRP were pussy scared last week to play and it seems that SM(Luki,Uncle<3) don't want to participate anymore in the CG Season 2, we are prolly free to paly on sunday and Sklamak really wants some fun on sunday...
So we need players and offi at Sunday around 19:45-21:30 or smth like that :))))))))))))))
xd, goes to play 3on3 offi, then whines about forfeit win, then again, gl in around couple of years, u might have a shot at actually winning smth xd, ur entire team is pure shit.
Sklamak even wrote you, if we could postpone the game and you took forfeit and still played us after with a really crippled random mix.
You still try to tell me how shit I am yet I still fucking rolled you in the last 3o3 & 6o6 we played against each-other, how sad. Pure denial of reality.
and the fact that about sklamak's english i didnt really get his point. maybe let someone handle those offi related things who can type decent english or lets say understandable