Need offi + players @ sunday *BB*


since Sklamak is avi and JRP were pussy scared last week to play and it seems that SM(Luki,Uncle<3) don't want to participate anymore in the CG Season 2, we are prolly free to paly on sunday and Sklamak really wants some fun on sunday...

So we need players and offi at Sunday around 19:45-21:30 or smth like that :))))))))))))))

image: xHpuFtv
Ill be there budddy
I might can play if you let me play rifle, TAG; especially aphesia, benched me
Will you fucking say it in every single post?
wow dude, they benched u for better player, whats so special about it?
because they didnt bench me, that's so special about it
Rifle situation really depends on my hand :D
rest in peperonis then
QuoteJRP were pussy scared

xd, goes to play 3on3 offi, then whines about forfeit win, then again, gl in around couple of years, u might have a shot at actually winning smth xd, ur entire team is pure shit.
Our 3on3 offi started one hour before that 6on6 offi, sadly because apricot was (as usual) lagging we only managed to win one map 2v3 and didn't fullheld the second one so we had to play decider.
Sklamak even wrote you, if we could postpone the game and you took forfeit and still played us after with a really crippled random mix.

You still try to tell me how shit I am yet I still fucking rolled you in the last 3o3 & 6o6 we played against each-other, how sad. Pure denial of reality.
He came pmming +10min after the game was supposed to start so yes your arranging and managing skills were simply brilliant and we are dickheads

and the fact that about sklamak's english i didnt really get his point. maybe let someone handle those offi related things who can type decent english or lets say understandable
Noone pmed me, even if that guy would pm me, i probably wouldn't understand shit coming from his side with that broken english. Second thing, we ended up playing 2-2 with that mix, so u are wrong again, 3rd, u never rolled me, in not a single game, only game we played, was at supply, u lows ragequited cus u couldnt get flag, maybe like i said, in couple of years, u might actually have a chance of winning smth over me, that is, if u keep playing 24/7.
why are you fighting / raging at everyone Bobika :S i dont understand.. where is the funny little chilled guy i used to play with ?
he hit puberty
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