WoW expansion

Hello people from the past,

I'm wondering if there are any has-beens here who're playing WOD and if so, on which realm are you guys active? I could use some fellow nolifers to play with.

Thanks in advance! ;)

Dota > LoL.
Flusha is cheating.
Rosberg deserved it more.
Chelsea won't win the PL.

image: son-this-is-bait
Im playing Darkspear - Horde.
Not a lot. I've been playing Darkspear for like 6 years? now. Cba paying €25,- to move a single character to another realm. There's still plenty of people left to enjoy it, hehe.
Fucking dogshit. Whats even the point in playing a caster just get mauled
Says someone named gnome.
I'm playing it saying it's dogshit though
Though so. wut
On which realm are you?
Alliance or horde? Going to make a char there then.
Horde just don't roll caster
Been a warlock and DK theorycrafter/number cruncher for some years, I'm full nerd about shit like that so I can provide some facts:

For melee, raw ability damage, as in unbuffed by main stats like strength/agility/int as well as secondary ones, is always inherently higher than casters. However, there is something called scaling, which means by increasing certain stats, you get increased ability damage, and for some unknown reason Blizzard always provides better scaling (ability coefficients) for caster classes, no exceptions. So, the better gear you get, the more stats you get, leading in better damage scaling of your abilities.

Conclusion: melee at the start of expansions are almost always better than casters, but once gear gets one or two (tops) tiers better, casters begin to break away, to the point where melee can't keep up anymore because they don't scale as well, leading to caster nerfs (but not always, if you look at mages end-Cata or Warlocks end-MoP).

Evidence: every single WoW expansion ever.

edit: this is based on the notion of computer simulated scenarios, in reality no one plays a class at its 100%, but there is a certain imbalance/discrepancy between classes (10-100% in some cases) as far as damage output goes even in reality (for the reasons stated above).
Hi Panda, did you listen to Phobos Monolith yet or what?
Think I'm on like my 10th listen now, great record!
Today I have new Behemoth EP to check out, other new releases inc Zgard, Primordial and Mors Principium Est (top 10 contender atm!)
New Primordial (it's better and way more raw than Redemption) and MPE are great (not top 10 for me though). Listening to Zgard now, pretty good stuff. Btw since we're talking Ukraine are we gonna have a new Nokturnal Mortum or not? Fuckers are very cryptic about a new album by the end of 2014, but so far we haven't gotten anything as far as teasers go.
Really hoping for something new from NM, been a while now. I know they've changed things around a lot this year with their logo/art/ideology I guess but maybe it's all a built up for next year, or nothing :D
A new NM release would end the year perfectly tbh. But anyway, at least we still have like new Isole, Taake, Cult of Fire, Ascension and StarGazer coming out before 2014 is over.
QuoteNokturnal Mortum No schedules or estimations, just recording and working on it to make it as best as possible.
Like · 14 · 17 September at 15:34
Nothing to do with damage it's more to do with warlocks mobility atm. I was ex Hydramist 2.4kMMR 2.7K team rated lock in cata now I cant beat some moron warriors it's fucked i hate it :'(
Yeah, my comment was PVE-oriented, PVP is generally always fucked.
BTW did you play a demo lock during mid-MoP? Personally, I enjoyed rekking people in 3 seconds tops. Them Chaos Waves were legit back then.
I only played mop for a few month max but I played desto
Howl/shadowfury after first charge -> warrior pops berserker rage

Take 15m gate out of pure frustration

Watch the warrior connect to you in 1 sec

fake cast a few fears and lose about 60% of your health in the process

if you somehow manage to get off a second fear (because the warrior went
afk for a bit) try to pump out as much damage as possible in those juicy 3.5 seconds

Watch the 95% health warrior connect to you in 0.5 sec

Stand still and accept he fact that every single melee in this game is a better player
Warlock fearing/ccing in general is not as it used to be (no clue how it is in WoD though), best you can do is get a succubus for an extra cc, kite like mad during a melee's cds, and if you survive, pop everything, keep the fucker slowed (bear in mind warriors have 3 ways to get to you instantly) and pray for the best.
Took our CoE for god knows what reason and using a succubus means no sacrifice bonus >_< worst
But taking out CoE is a welcome change (one less GCD), assuming they adjusted our numbers properly.

I'm totally clueless about WoD, but if you go demo (you stating sacrifice I immediately assume you play destro), (also assuming they didn't change demo completely since MoP), you will have way more mobility/survivability, and with a bigger arsenal of tools (Carrion Swarm, better Fel Flame spamming without going oom, mortal strike), and better burst (chaos wave, wild imps, and soul fire spam during cds).

TL;DR: unless Blizzard completely fucks up on spec balancing like the end of MoP (as in destro, the babby's spec, doesn't have like 30% better damage output than both affliction and demo because reasons), demo is by far the superior spec, PVE and PVP wise.
Fel Flame taken out and so is Carrion Swarm I'm demo atm but always been destro!
Jesus Christ that's horrible, I shouldn't feel bad for quitting mid-MoP then lol.
Didnt do WOTLK, did cata, quit straight away in MOP and then came back dunno why >_<
Dota > LoL. Yeees
rtcw > et. :D
Destromath ftw
RTCW > ET. - you're nuts
Dota > LoL. - bitch pls
Flusha is cheating. - tr00
Rosberg deserved it more. - hate Hamilton but dun care tbh
Chelsea won't win the PL. - they will
ChambersofAspects Blood Elf Death Knight, I was big fan of WOTLK and TBC, but this expansion is one of the best ever realesed. Blizzard did really good job
The Maelstrom troll mage. I've been playing since vanilla and I've really liked WoD so far, though the launch was awful. Would like to continue being arcane but as they buffed frost just before WoD went live I guess rolling frost is inevitable :(
i stopped WoW long time ago, too expensive
Don't forget that Winghaven and Reload are also using cheats in Battlefield!
RTCW > ET. no
Dota > LoL. no freaking idea
Flusha is cheating. yes
Rosberg deserved it more. yes
Chelsea won't win the PL. no
Quote Flusha is cheating. yes

Someone lost his skins in fnatic games haha.
nono havent been betting much but some of these pov demos/videos are really weird to say the least.
Wow ? Cmon save ur money
RTCW > ET. - Yes
Dota > LoL. - No, Mad cuz lol gets more attention.
Flusha is cheating. - flusha???
Rosberg deserved it more. - Nobody cares!
Chelsea won't win the PL. - could win, not sure.
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