Cutting DEMO?


Im not sure, I maybe asked this before there or on czech et site, but I still didn't find the solution or the right command :D
I still have cut demos (5-15sec long actions from jalo with multiple kills) and he didn't do it himself, so he couldnt help me, but is there anyone who knows how to do that? :D
Maybe UV movie mod can do it somehow with certain cvars? I really have no clue about this, but it is very annoying to go for example through 15mins of demo, because that was fullhold and through another 5mins into the second round to find a kill :D
Thanks in advance, gonna delete it if someone can help me :o)

image: Bd-vWd3IEAAUh9Z
media manager
best moviemaker ever
Get your facts right. That girl doesnt look like a banana at all.
lol, that made me think about image: 11wezxu
I would help you and send you tools. But, you are a tool and i don't want to help your queer little ass.
I cut jalo's frags like 4 years ago using this tool:

use it wisely young bobika
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