
I was checking my old PC and found like a lot of demo's of myself!
Since I was bored I watched a few of them and I noticed I made a few nice frag in all the hours I played this game.

Is anyone so bored that he/she/it wants to make a fragmovie with an old pr0 starring (talking about myself)?

The frags are from 2006-2009 I guess, is that oldschool?

So is someone so bored and willing to make a movie for me so I can show my skills to my kids?
I can provide you the demo's with the times of the frags.

Anyway I got some old demo's from games I was admin. Is anyone interested in that demo's? I think its was from a tournament run by Tosspot, arctic war challange (?) or something like that. If your interested in it just reply.
Check a list of demo's here:
good luck with that! tried to find one myself multiple times over the years, never got more than a test clip out of it :D
Haha thx but im not expecting anything ;)

You are still an active gamer?
quite active yeah, mostly CS:GO these days as in ET you only get a decent game once a week (cup games)
Now I'd like not to see you saying "ranked games"? :( Pelataanko siinä ees muuta kun niitä ranking system pelei
guess you mean matchmaking games and yeah I'm pretty much just playing those as I can't be bothered to start playing "seriously" (unless there'd be a good bunch of motivated and skilled ET players willing to start a team)

kyllähä tos vaikka mitä muita liigoja ja cuppeja pelataan, yksittäisiä "offeja" voi pelaa esim esea/faceit ja esl ainaki järkkää paljo turnauksia joihin voi kuka vaa osallistua
Aivan joo, sitä mietin just että onko normaalipulliaisille mitään kunnon liigoi pelissä :>
Can't make one but would like to see your stuff :))))
Still remember playing vs you a bunch of times around that time too.
"triple granade takes out lightning, bullvox and zerender" pops into my mind when hearing your nick again 8 : ]

>> << always giving me goosebumps when seeing this.
I remember that one ;) Against infrag., but we won the game
Heey Pim how are you nice to see you here :) i hope you find the right person to make a movie
Im good, what about you?
I dont think I will find anyone haha
I might give it a shot by myself.
Iam fine thanks still playing some ET and CS:GO
goosebumps, nerd
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