Problem with SteelSeries Siberia Elite headset

Hi, I got a problem with the above mentioned headset. The headset seems to be at normal, decent volume without using the steelseries v2 sound card that came with the headset, but instead using the regular audio jack. On the other hand, using the USB soundcard, the sound seems to be relatively low, even at maximum(yes, i have checked, it's at maximum everywhere).
Anyone know any solutions to fixing this?
Are you using the new SS engine?
The audio seems to be low definition, like really crispy and no bass. Had no problems with other headsets.
Tested the Elites with my phone and the sound quality was brilliant.
I also installed new audio drivers, still.... nothing.
are you all about that bass?
No, I was just desrcibing the experience compared to what I heard from the same headphones when connected to my phone.
For example, I tried playing CS:GO, and the sound was so god damn crispy that firing an AK almost blew my eardrums.
shouldnt u be playing wow?

nazi confirmed, please change the title
didnt know some SS elite is still active in siberia
the price is the problem
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