PC help; around 300 euros

Hello Crossfire!

Since it's a gaming website, I thought I might state my question here to find out about it.

My old PC, on which I was a successful gamer (rofl) image: lel1, served me very well but unfortunately it's almost dead :'(

I'm not going to buy a PC for 2k euros, and I'd be pleased with something around 300 euros. (1100-1400 zl). So I could use Internet without constant freezes, watch some full hd youtubeporn and play League of Legends, CS:GO, FM 2015 & ET. Not interested in hardcore gaming in new titles.

I found something like this (all components are new from shop):
// URLs included if anyone wants to see it, from Polish site though. //

1. Motherboard: MSI B85M-E45, B85, DualDDR3-1600, SATA3, HDMI, GBLAN, mATX (B85M-E45)

2. PC: Intel PENTIUM G3240 3.1GHz/3MB LGA1150 BOX - Haswell Refresh

3. RAM: GoodRam DDR3 PLAY 4096MB PC1600 BLACK CL9

4. GFX: MSI GEFORCE GTX 750 OC V1, 1GB GDDR5 (128 Bit), HDMI, DVI, D-Sub

5. Corsair VS Series 450W 80PLUS 120mm FAN

6. pc case: http://www.morele.net/obudowa-zalman-z1-usb-3-0-czarny-zm-z1-626587/

All together: 1303 zloty (~ 320 euros)
I've got DWD-RW & 2x 500gb SATA hdd so I guess I don't need new ones.

Do you think I could use it for a next years and win some EuroCups on it? image: 6a00d83451b8c369e2012876b7c3da970c-pi Or you would replace something here on favor of something more powerful but in a similar price?

Thanks to anyone who's going to help at least a bit!

image: Nhrzhpy
I think it's time to overclock your life.image: attachment
Fucking hell, if you can get a PC for that in Poland that makes CS:GO playable Im going there to buy a PC...

(not saying it's impossible as I have no idea bout prices there)
Nie bierz 750 z inetelem weź coś od AMD. Nvidia strasznie słabo współpracuje z prockami 2 rdzeniowymi.
Droższa ale 2 giga pamięci
mowisz ze amd lepsze, to musze poczytac o tym i poszukac czegos
to z tego co tak na szybko przelecialem ten artykul, to wynika niby odwrotnie, ze nie ma juz tego problemu, ze sterownikami ta czy cos? i obie dzialaja podobnie na intelu 2 rdzeniowym
Dokładnie jak poczytasz zakończenie to zobaczysz ze to test nowych sterowników i tu jest różnica. Na starych ATI wygrywało. Więc wyprowadził i mnie z błędu :(
Poczekaj z kompem i tak do jakiegoś lutego wtedy kupisz to samo za 10 procent mniej
Po 1 amd kupilo ati 1500 lat temu. po 2 dales test slabego procka i 2 mocnych kart. ale az do aktualnych gtx z serii 900 amd rozkladalo nvidie w klasyfikacji cena/wydajnosc wiec lepiej amd, ze slabym prockiem i karta obslugujaca mantle mozna ruszyc nawet bfa4 na nizszych detalach.
Przecież mądralo nikt nie wybierze do tego testu 2 kart za 450 zł bo nie będzie widać różnic. Po drugie jakbyś zobaczył ranking tych kart to obje mają taką samą wydajność...
I don't think you will be able to run CSGO at any comfortable level with that setup - depends on resolution and settings you want to use. If I wanted a PC for CSGO, I would aim at least for decent i5. I was building desktop for CSGO 3 months ago, but I didn't limit my budget + I don't mind paying a little extra for premium parts (like modular PSU, SSD and things that make my PC almost dead silent), so I ended up with something around 1.1k€ (almost 2k with monitor and other peripherals). I think something for ~500€ could be enough to run CSGO with 120fps on 1920x1080 and mid details (AA in CSGO helps a lot, high shadows as well).
How much of an improvement is AA in CSGO?
I've only played for a few hours total on random pubs but can only get 30fps, maybe 50 some areas on dust2, will be getting a gtx 560 ti soon so hopefully that should help a bit! Have everything on low @ 1028x768 exc shadows) :<
CSGO is much more CPU heavy, new gfx will help only if your current one is bottlenecking whole system. But it certainly won't hurt (I know people who upgraded their gpu and went from unstable 60fps to 100 stable). When I played on laptop I managed to get almost stable 60 (low resolution and everything on lowest), but as soon as few smokes went in I couldn't aim properly.
As for AA - it is very helpful when you are trying to spot someone behind bars/fence - when I had AA off, sometimes everything just blended together and it was hard to recognize what's what.

Yeah, I have a really shit graphics card at the moment (geforce 210, which is like 25€? :D Just needed something quickly when my other one melted(!)
So right now I've got a fairly decent PSU http://www.novatech.co.uk/products/components/powersupplies/nov-psb750.html
CPU wise I've got the AMD phenom ii x4 955 which I had from overclockers pre OC'd to ~3.6ghz from what I remember.
1920x1080 and 120fps in cs:go? :o

could you share the specific parts you used + monitor?
CPU Intel i5-4590
Mainboard Asus H97M Plus
HDD Crucial MX100 128GB
Monitor Eizo FG2421 + Eizo FORIS FS2333
Graphics MSI R9 270x Gaming 2G
Memory Kingston 8GB HyperX CL10 Fury Black
O/S Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

you could have found it in my profile as well.
CS:GO settings:
- 1920x1080 @ 120Hz
- max fps 240
- shadows: on medium
- MSAA: 2x
- texture mode: trilinear

I got stable 240 fps in 5on5 if I am not streaming (when I set everything to lowest, I even had 240 stable during streaming).
that's... nothing? I can run 300 stable as well. CSGO is not a very intensive game, especially for its rather "recent" release.

fanatic's build should be fine, he probably wont get stable 120, but definitely somewhere in the 80+ area. Great single core performance on that CPU (afaik CSGO doesn't use multithreading anyway). Also very very easily OC'd. I use the same in a server and it's never failed me thus far.
Though, the CPU doesn't support 1600mhz, might want to throw in some... not so random 1333's instead and get a pair with decent lat. These would be pretty great, http://www.morele.net/pamiec-g-skill-ddr3-8-gb-1333mhz-dual-g-skill-ripjaws-x-cl7-for-sandy-bridge-f3-10666cl7d-8gbxh-419050/

Otherwise I suggest just grabbing parts of ebay, people tend to sell their "outdated" 1 year old builds for way undervalued prices because some just like having the newest gen and tech.
yo :)

thanks for your help! might switch to these 1333 rams if you say so!

btw if you still got some time to give me some advice, what do you think about this graphic card? or shall I get something else for that price? what are your thoughts about this CPU & Nvidia gfx? some people say, also just read about it, that Radeon works better with 2x cores Intel than Nvidia, have you heard about it?
I honestly wouldn't know, could be. I know that AMD CPUs are very much preferred in low budget setups though, they're.. in low/mid price range a bit more efficient.
played 500h of csgo with 64 fps with i3 and gt525m on laptop screen, still playing and its comfortable level
maybe for you, I could never go back to my laptop. After going from almost stable 60 on laptop (i3-3210 + GT640M, playing on external monitor with low resolution and 60Hz) to stable 240 fps on 120Hz monitor, there is no way back, it's whole new level.
Can't that EIZO use 240hz or am I mistaking it with something else?
That's a bit of a marketing stuff - it's artificial 240Hz to reduce motion blur. It inserts black screens in between regular frames, so technically it is 240Hz, but it does not take 240 frame per second from PC. If I am not mistaking, BenQ has something similar in their monitors as well.
Is it? I only have IPS monitor that can't do more than 60hz with native resolution.

But I saw this: http://www.alza.cz/24-eizo-foris-fg2421-bk-d502691.htm
And also in some videos on YouTube they said it can do 240hz so it should pretty much be even more fluent and the difference should be recognisable?

Also if I use 75hz on low resolution and put 71/76fps the game looks hell lot smoother (altho there are some bugs....) so I thought if you can run it 240fps+ and that monitor can do 240hz if you notice any significant difference if you change those settings and it's really that smooth as they are saying it is :D
first sentence

I also have FS2333 which I have used for gaming for almost 2 years - very solid allrounder, IPS with low input lag (lowest among IPS panels), great color presentation. It serves its purpose as a filler of a gap between working and gaming monitor, and since I didn't have anything else to play on but my "60fps" laptop, it was ideal. But FG2421 is totally different game if you can feed it with sufficient input. Yes, colors are very bad compared to IPS panels (almost like somebody puked over the screen), but still slightly better than TN panels. But if your reason to get new monitor is just to play games, maybe you would be better off with BenQ - cheaper + 144Hz. But since I am EIZO fan, I must have had FG2421 :)
Poor polak can only afford 300e? top kek
why would I need a better one? I've got Xbox so what's the point of better PC if I can easly browse the Internet & play League of Legends and Football Manager 2015, the only games that I'm interested in, on 300e poor pc?
+ EC

you forgot the EC m8
ja pierdole 6 lat temu kupilem kompa i jest lepszy niz ten, wez sie kurwa do roboty :D pozdrawiam
Steal the parts from technologically retarded people for your new PC. Around 5-6 years ago I was facing this very same problem, and the bitchy granny few streets away owned a really good PC. She went away from the town for a few days, so I broke in (key in the flowerpot, took me 10 minutes to find) and swapped my shitty parts for her really good parts. For a month or two I was anxious whether she had noticed anything, but she probably uses only the browser for facebook and bank things anyway. Think she hasn't seen anything suspicious to this day.
True story fröenj. Except it isn't a true story if a blue polices cops reads it, might be I told it on behalf of my friend's aunt's cat. Who knows these things? I certainly don't.
A "Modest" setup got almost exactly my parts he he so I think they are the most common for this price B) 5/5 stars for LoL, enough for me hehe
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