ET 3on3 WC: One week left to sign up

You have till the 7th of December to sign up for the ET 3on3 World Championship.

So far teams from 7 different nations signed up. I am aiming for at least 12 different nations. So let's do this guys!

How to sign-up:
Simply pm me on Crossfire or the Dragon's website with the following details:
- Team Name;
- Line-Up;
- Link to team on CG (any League).

For example:
- DoubleDutch Dragons
- timbolina, ViKO, rznje

After you have done this you will need to register your team on CyberGamer for the event. Follow these steps to complete your sign up:
1. Create your team on this page (Use your OWN teamname for example: DoubleDutch Dragons, gentleMen eSports):
- Click Community Teams
- Game: ET 3on3 World Championship
2. Once you have done this go back to the Tournament page and click on "Join Ladder". You need to Join the Ladder to finalize your sign up.

An overview of everybody who signed up can be found here.
How does the thing with double nationals work again? I've got a russian passport, maybe I could find two more

On an unrelated note, does anybody from Russia play this game? I'm not entirely sure.
saw Quiki on twitch not long ago!
just go play as team finland
Many enough proper and good finnsmans who deserve the honour, I was just wondering if the actual ruskies are forming their own team or if I should carry their flag as a half-breed
I saw 'gtakiller, leotiran & co' a couple of days ago on mIRC.
I also have a fucking russian passport omfg. shud we make this? I saw some guys fplaying for nigeria once playing but they lived in poland
Sure thing mans, let us be of play
your sperm is my sperm and otherside
7 different nations

what's the map list? can't seem to find it anywhere

would consider playing if delivery isn't included, but I assume that isn't going to happen :D
I'll have a look at the mappool. Probably some tweaks in the current CG ET 3on3 maplist. I'm afraid delivery will be in yes. Unless more than half of the teams decide it should be out.
nice try to manipulate delivery out. We all know u not gonna play anyway
already played one 3on3 WorldCup and won it! not gonna play 3on3 delivery though, would rather play 1on1 radar
whats wrong with delivery?
Words I'd use to describe delivery in 3on3: camp, lean, grenade, bottleneck

The first stage is terrible in 3on3, either you get through with first attack or axis will hold it for ages with 2 medics and 1 fop as it's practically impossible to get anyone gibbed there. Last stage is just, yeah.. leaning and timing grenades. Guess it's the same people playing that map who keep on occupying those 24/7 delivery public servers, which is something I've never understood.
Quote3on3: camp, lean, grenade, bottleneck

fucking hell, I thought you were talking about goldrush
how do you camp on grush?
easy. two medics, one fop, inside of the bank. impossible to beat ":D"
are you even semi-serious :D
if you and your team can communicate well enough and run in while your teammates occupied its really not that difficult, maybe you should practice it a bit more
True, sniper is always a possibility but you'd need vanhaomena or serimestari to snipe so efficiently to make it work. (Dont bother signing up tho, my team would just humiliate you in the qualifiers). ;)
a didisniper u mean
Just putting this here: delivery is a very difficult map, that's why most people hate it, because it's too hard to play unless you practice. It's different from supply but I like it. Lean and nades are excuses, you can dodge them and cope with them if you just play accordingly. Deli is the map in which game dynamics take the longest to learn and therefore you need practice. Yeah first spawn and start in allies is important to play right but you shouldn't fail it. But it's the same in supply first stage as well, you fail one spawn and you really shouldn't be able to do much in the following two. The first stage is doable still, there's plenty of options there if you're playing it right or if you're somewhat efficient.

On a side note: would love to see te_escape2 tested out in ET 3o3! As far as I've played it it could be cool and certainly 10 times better than e.g. beach and ufo (prolly ice as well).
Better than ufo, haha :D
escape is fantastic, in rtcw. Though the ET version is slightly fucked up (CP for a flag and permanent forward spawn for axis, where as RtCW you can only ever get it once - at the start of the game, which is also determined by random luck). Still a great map.
Needs testing! First stage probably is the easiest to hold but yeah, would like to give it a chance.
We've play tested it a while back, out of boredom. It... was weird, in comparison to rtcw. The first stage is... I don't want to say broken, you can definitely attack, it just takes a lot longer than what we're used to. Where as in rtcw a first stage hold would take a single spawn, two at the very most, in ET it feels like minutes fly by before you get any real chance at progress. It's not entirely bad, but it slows the map down :(
Also generally a flag makes things more interesting, case and point frostbite, flag recaps in rtcw add so much more dynamic to the game. Silly CP spawns. CPs everywhere. :(
Yeah I've played it as well, in 2on2 and 3on3. And I want to play more :) Wouldn't know about RTCW but in ET it was somewhat promising. Never full holds or anything despite the first stage taking a while sometimes. You can also sneak to the parts sometimes without doing the CP, I remember doing it...
And gotta grab that 24/7 deli servers: they're the best aim practice you can get. Always in action, not long range spread'n'pray stuff and you're able to practice all sorts of situations except for uneven ground fights.
Italy is dead no can do
cm0n meng,!!
Let's say i'm from Italy
lets just play for Estonia !
Ok. Let's get rise then !
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