ET 3on3 WC: Mappool

Hi guys,

I see that some of you want to know the mappool of the ET 3on3 World Championship.

I will be using the CyberGamer EU ET 3on3 Ladder maplist. But you can change the mappool a bit if you wish to.

Fill in the form by clicking below and select a map you wish to be removed from the maplist and you can choose a map you wish to be added.

The two maps with the most votes will be removed from the mappool. And the two maps with the most votes will be added to the list.


Do not forget to sign up if you havn't done so. Sign up closes on sunday!
Nice initiative, let's see how it turns out.
Thanks! I'll be posting the results tomorrow.
great contributing there NC_WINNER_2014_6v6
Guys, this is for the 3on3 World Championship. Or you really want maps like radar as 3on3 xD
well radar is actually better than half of the mappool
Well, I'm up for anything, hehe.
Tc_base would be great in mappool. I'm trying to talk with some portuguese people for this cup mate.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
add te_escape2 plzzzzzzzzzz
i voted for this one :D
You didn't even sign up
manager silent is slacking :S
Ah, gg. s1LENT too busy playing hearthstone
kenn ich nich
Yeah voted for te_escape2 too.
Quote by trampolinaThe two maps with the most votes will be removed from the mappool. And the two maps with the most votes will be added to the list.

Dafuq did I just read?
It makes sense if you look at the voting page.

The two maps with the most votes [in the "maps to remove" section] will be removed from the mappool. And the two maps with the most votes [in the "maps to add" section] will be added to the list.
Couldn't be arsed to login with google account since I won't play anyway, and yeah I figured that's what he meant, the sentence is just plain silly.
reactor_final plsplsplsplspls!
Why couldnt we add anything new? There are about 2000 et maps and there must be something good.
no one would play them anyway unless they're forced.
voted for dubrovnik
when u will add us to list ?

ET 3on3 World Championship (LIVE)
My Teams:
BIJEMY PLEBS, 4th (competing) [view on ladder (4)]

and pmmed u with link , lu etc like week ago

and nothing

Maybe because your teammates played with a cheater in the last 3on3 WC and were likely using cheats as well?
wat? upload was busted, not me or wassabi. whats the matter with u guys. most of the polish guys signed up, for example abj, hunter played with a hundred of busted cheaters in their team in the past and they're allowed to play and we are not? where's the logic here ? so suddenly only me and wassabi must suffer from the other teammate's cheats and noone else?
This is actually funny. :D

Get some gibs tho
i didn't even get banned for this. i was shooting walls the whole match on purpose. at that time killerboy even made a big news of that and nothing happened. if u're stupid enough to think that was actually wallhack that's ur problem.
are you pashabizebz?!
pashabiceps is a skinny nerd compared to me, believe me :)
are u alexL?
alexl is also skinny. and are u this horrible goalkeeper iker casillas from real madrit ? u should be replaced by navas long time ago.
I voted for rifletennis :3
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