CS:GO for beginners :D

so I started playing it like 2days ago and I have a few problems
1) I played like 2/3 competitive 5o5s and then it stopped me from playing for 24hours because it needed to give me rank based on my skill etc (googled that either it's after this quickly if you are decent or after 10games?) so gg, played like 2more after it was up and went to sleep, today i got home and had the same shit? (6hours remaining tho) Is it a bug or?

2) My "console" isn't working? I tried using -> . (DOT) and tried to change it to backspace (just wanted to try the spreads on off server with bots, but since I can't open the console, lol...) but it just doesn't do anything? May be some weird bug again or? :D

3) Any suggestions what cfgs/how to exec cfgs are good to use? (I currently use default, just turned off accel/rinput and put on low graphics)

4) how do I change the position of the gun?:DDD

image: Carter-Smith-Photoshoot-2009-for-Elle-jennifer-aniston-29939863-1234-1600

1) in the new patch they made that u can only win 2 competive games if u dont have rank per day
2) -console to launch options
3) just get good crosshair and u are good to go
4) cl_righthand 0
Really? That's retarded to be fair, since you got to win 10matches to get rank, wow.

I still can't get the console working, somehow.

But thanks a lot!
Its coz of smurfs
its not retarded, you would change your mind if were about to play against global elite carrying lowbobs on fake accounts all the time

console first you have to turn on in cs:go settings
It basically stops me from playing the game I paid for, eh.

But thank you very mucho :))
you can play after you will have rank, they had to do something about smurfs and that was logical, before you could make rank in few hours or just buy new cs:go and yolo with global-friends (that would put ranks lower for the opponent because no rank = noob)

and well, you have to pay for everything in valve, be prepared for spending lot
It does not stop you from playing game - it just temporarily disables one of the featured modes. You can still play other modes, and afaik platforms like ESEA or FaceIT.

As for console - go to Options > Game settings and somewhere on top you will find "Enable developer console". Put it to yes and you will be able to open console using tilde key (~).
Too bad that most of em "borrow" accounts now. Having a 100 hour "DMG" play 40-5 is still absurd.
1) they've changed how fast you're ranked, think it's a limit on how many matches per day or some shit
2) try adding "-console" to launch options
3) no, csgo isn't ET -- commands doesn't matter much
4) there are commands for fov, and also for getting it to the left -- google should help you there unless you're unable to google properly

edit: swani too fast
Only thing I've been able to do is change crosshair to mostly dot shape

cl_crosshairalpha "255" cl_crosshaircolor "5" cl_crosshaircolor_b "255" cl_crosshaircolor_r "240" cl_crosshaircolor_g "0" cl_crosshairdot "1" cl_crosshairgap "0" cl_crosshairsize "0" cl_crosshairstyle "4" cl_crosshairusealpha "1" cl_crosshairthickness "2" cl_fixedcrosshairgap "0" cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "0" cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0"

I've only managed a few hours pub on cracked version, will get it on steam soon :>
competitive > pub
and the competitive on csgo is great, seriously
Soon as I get my new graphics card I'll take the game more seriously and give it a go, but 20-30fps sucks playing the game with everything on low atm so trying to get used to everything first :)
if you were above mid+ in ET you'll easily reach dmg in cs:go
Why are you never answering on Steam? :S
i usually never answer to invites unless i wanna play, but ill remember to invite you more often!
I think ET has given me an advantage so far at least, and still often get positive stats depending on the game, I think after a few hours of game play I'm still better than than quite a few other newbies playing :D

Will stick to deathmatch/gungame for now to get to know the game a bit more until the price goes down and will play comp!
You sure? So far I carried each game I played in competitive, but sometimes I still fail. It's weird to get used to the spray pattern and to learn how to duel in this game.
if you're solo queuing it's harder i guess, but getting used to the spray and to standing still when shooting isn't too hard imo
I've played about 6 competitive games so far, but I've only won 4. People are generally pretty bad and call me a cheater each game, yet I can't win some of them without help. So I doubt I'll get high after placement. Or does it take into account how you played?
Yeah, no one knows what exactly it takes into account, but it equates for individual performance as well. And where you start doesn't matter too much imo, it takes some time to get used to the game. I started at nova 4 :D
Alright, thanks :)
What's your Steam acc? Addy!
I added you too meight nicon gave infos
i disagree, played casual with a few mates and i was sweating like a maniac cuz of all the lulz produced.
Just wait a few days, there will be christmas sales and CS:GO costs like €2 :D
Yeah waiting for it :D Was too poor to buy it for €7 last week D:
Abandon all home, they are never putting it below -50% again, last time they made it super cheap, the ammount of smurfs/cheaters was too damn high
The dot crosshair in cs:go isnt good idea coz it will block the opponent probably when peeking around corners
best crosshair
image: iZlEJHk
get rid of that dot, makes it hard to tap shoot at long dist :)
Will have a go and try it! Ta
I use a slightly smaller version of this dot now and had a toggle to use a cs style one when I need it

image: 0HPB3tp

cl_crosshairstyle "4"
cl_crosshairdot "1"
cl_crosshairsize "0"
cl_crosshairthickness "1"
cl_crosshairalpha "255"
cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
cl_crosshaircolor "5"
cl_crosshaircolor_r "255"
cl_crosshaircolor_g "0"
cl_crosshaircolor_b "0"
cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1"
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness "1"
cl_crosshairthickness "1.0"
cl_crosshairgap "-2"
How is that when playing longrange places (f.e dust2 you are CT holding A long vs a T in pit?)
I would toggle to one similar to yours but static

But I also suck outside of deathmatch :D
I play with the same crosshair as i play in ET/RTCW and its baws, ive had no problems playing with dot crosshair and im GE since forever (not like the rank matters but anyways) its good, its pretty much what u prefer as urself, i find it alot easier to one tap/spray with dot, it just takes time if ur not used to it in csgo.
yea not saying that it's impossible, just on very long ranges I can imagine it becomes tricky with tapping :p
hah well nahh, i find it alot easier to tap long range :D only headshots, boooM
1. sucks, but its to prevent people boosting accounts and you'll be happy it's there once you play for a little longer ;)
2. -console in launch options, I recommend using all these: -novid -console -threads 4 -high -noforcemparms -noforcemaccel (if u use a 120/144hz monitor also use -frequency 120/144, it sets refreshrate force)
3. config as always personal preference is best, http://www.upload.ee/files/4393012/autoexec.cfg.html my config, low settings except shadows and trilinear filtering and the most important settings are organized in the config so easily changed to your liking. My crosshair is dynamic and though that might need some getting used to I really prefer it over static in CS.

4. cl_righthand 0/1 (1 puts the gun on the left side of screen, 0 is default.
viewmodel_fov "68" (changes the fov of your viewmodel(your gun and hands) only, not the same as fov in ET)
viewmodel_offset_x "2.500000"
viewmodel_offset_y "0"
viewmodel_offset_z "-1.500000" (these 3 set the position of the gun and hands on your screen, think of it as cg_gunX/cg_gunY/cg_gunZ commands from ET)
viewmodel_presetpos "3" (1/2/3 are presets from CS for all the viewmodel_ commands, 3 being classic and probably the most used)
screenshot of my config: image: FD97BF283EEAC3795F7F8D60EDC2DBE3D9F05EC4 (keep in mind crosshair is dynamic so when moving its not like this :p)
cl_righthand 0/1 (0* puts the gun on the left side of screen, 1* is default.
woops, brainfart xD
seems like u have some clue about cs:go so maybe i should ask u.. Whats the matter with CS:GO hitboxes? I mean, i think my aim doesnt suck so much but still, when i aim on someone's head i RARELY hit a headshot. Is it something about MM servers?
its cus u are low
1 year, 10 months and 3 days
pl jiN-
6 years, 6 months and 8 days

Member Since 7th June 2007 (7+ years)

nice, which friend gave it to u?
They are better than ET hitboxes Lolz

I dont have any problems hitting HS in 64 tickrate servers (seems to be 40% by vanguard statistic book)
Funnies shit I've done today was a 4men only HS on nuke as CT while not a single his was while aiming on the head and when I aimed on the head I never got any hs :D
dunno if better than ET. I aim on the guy's body even i i feel like hitting nothing. Then i die and it says u gave fucking 45 in 6 hits :XDDDDDDDD Dunno, maybe there are shooting techniques i didnt discover yet :S
Quote45 in 6 hits

stop using p90 bro
or wallbanging kappa
Can be matchmaking servers due to 64 tick, though if it happens to you all the time it's probably either your gun control(your spread on bullets isn't 100% when trying to shoot headshots) or you're just not aiming at the head :P (can be more things like the crouch bug where sometimes when you crouch the head hitbox seems to vanish and impossible to hit)
when i play faceit matches its better :P
u should try to download some aim maps like aim_botz, aim_course, training_aim_csgo, training_aim_csgo2

or go on an empty server and shoot ur full magazine on a wall then u see how the weapon sprays and with a bit practice u will know how to control the spray^^ there r many videos who explain it how2practice it
fuck - looks like more crossfire users are playing CS:GO than ET nowadays
i think this is the case
Proud to not be playing CSGO yet, and probably never will.
Well, it's very much alive and has constant updates and great support.
That's one of the only reasons I'm moving over to it.
You need to make an appearance on HBC some time, miss playing with you :(
I don't even have ET on my PC anymore. Let me know when you get CS:GO :)
:( aww, will do!
Waiting for a game less than a 15seconds is huge ++++
jij had toch je inventory verkocht fzo, of wilde je. had je iemand betrouwbaar gevonden fniet?
Negatief. Mensen proberen je toch alleen maar te scammen. Zou je inventory aan iemand verkopen die je in RL kent.
some steam launch options that I found, some are nice like the remove intro etc. rest is upto you / your config I guess

-console -32bit -nod3d9ex -threads 4 -novid -refresh 120 -noborder -tickrate 128 +mat_vignette_enable 0

these are good for intro
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