ET 3on3 WC: Mappool results

Last tuesday you had the chance to vote for the 3on3 World Championship mappool.

This will be the mappool for the upcoming tournament:
  • Adlernest
  • Braundorf_b4
  • Erdenberg_t1
  • Et_beach
  • Et_ice
  • Et_ufo_final
  • Frostbite
  • Sp_delivery_te
  • Supply
  • Sw_goldrush_te
  • Tc_base
  • Te_escape2

Thank you everyone for voting!

Do not forget to sign up if you hadn't done so. You have till this sunday! Click here for more information!
everything went better than expected

gl tipsa

ps. I heard vokki is searching new 3rd to replace me
Fuck yeah, ufo out
fuck et Beach...

hm learning te_escappe2
half of the maps are from rtcw, not bad :d
Ye, mightve as well hosted an rtcw 3on3 wc l0l
just change the name of your Cup... more RTCW Maps than ET map in a ET Natuionscup...
heh... i suppose it has something to do with the fact that there's no rifle in rtcw, that the maps are balanced and suitable for smg wars
RtCW maps > ET maps
for 3on3 ;)
Depends. Not all of them are suitable for ET 6on6, at least without modifications.
- deli & ufo ggwp
good maps, well done timbo
gl tipsa
nice :>
bist doch garnich angemeldet :S
kannst mich mal

kenn die eine map nich gg
komm daddeln, bring ich euch bei. escape 24/7
ufo brain map, gets eliminated gëgë
this here comment
deleting delivry rly? to add fucking tc base... get fucking killed
hahaha yayayaya, I´m out, gl in the cup!
Fuck you. I wanted to write the exact same thing
avi msg me, my favorites maps supply b4 cu battlefield
Timbolina you make me mad rly
Community votes my friend.
You just asked ppl not even playing the cup to vote for the maps which are gonna be played.
Community voted...
Te escape is nice but TC base rly? What the fuck is this shit
That's not true. Mainly players who are participating in the cup voted delivery off. Don't worry, I also took in account who is playing the cup.
u mek me mad rly
fils d'inceste
thats kinda retarded, delivery is very well balanced 3o3 map, unlike tc_base.
nice map pool (anything without sp_delivery_te is a nice map pool) would be nice to see some more RtCW maps used more actively on ET
hwo about play fucking rtcw instead from switching maps from it to et?
You can answer that question yourself if you try thinking about the topic for longer than a goldfish would.
QuoteET 3on3 WC

sorry i rly thoguht i were going to be a ET WV not some RTCW NC... there are more maps from RTVW than standards maps from ET...
Sorry I didn't know that you were so upset that you can't even seem to type in a normal way anymore. Either way, that doesn't answer your question but the fact that the two maps added by the community are RtCW maps pretty much does.
so tell me which 3on3 maps out there which could be added? i even voted for tc_base because i don't know any other map which would suit in a 3on3 tournament.

then should timbolina show us the results since we needed to enter our nickname. i bet not one "only" et player voted for te_escape..

and ofc im upset since i wanna play ET and not RTCW.. if i wanna play RTCW i would download it from Steam...
If you want to play ET you can also go play Jaymod/NQ/whatever mod. Competitive ET has almost always had one or more RtCW in the map pool because those maps are simply proven to be good in both games.

Timbolina could show the votes, how will that satisfy you though? RtCW players who also play ET have just as much right to vote to get a map they would like to see in ET as you. Also, I dare state that more than 75% of the people on this website have at some point played RtCW as-well as ET to some level.

Your first question just proves your own stupidity, you didn't have to vote for another map to be added. And even if you did you could've just picked any random ET map and it wouldn't have changed anything. Unless of-course your 1 vote for tc_base ment that delivery was taken out, which is kind of ironic :)
Ah because i dont like maps like beach, ice, escape2 etc i should go and play jaymod?
how about you go and play rtcw and leave me with grush 24/7 alone?

image: 4htf56zh

so i needed to enter a map and why should i write some shit stuff in there? i mean like radar or oasis?
Are you actually this dumb/naive/ignorant or are you just trying to troll but miserably failing at it and just trying again and again?
everyone is going to pick supply and grush anyway
It's still ET you fucking idiot. RtCW maps are just better, no problem playing them whatsoever.
so its still 8 ball billiard when playing with snooker balls?
yep nice white flag
thought it was the French flag :S
sp_delivery_te confirmed worst map in ET
finally :) et_ice ftw
Yeah like people mentioned, delivery is a good and working map whereas tc_base is absolutely no good. Good to see escape though :O)
classic et scene. even more rtcw maps ;D
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