Q&? for Timbo and 3on3 WC

this is by no any meaning a flame attempt towards timbo, I would just like to hear explanation of this bullshit.

image: ahOeWXo
image: B422dQo
image: Fcbtvkz
this just became a cat thread
image: troll_cat_idk_by_frankie1981-d31cyqj
inspector gadget kitt will investigate
But I think he have a learner now, IGI, let's see.
hm no.. he is even more worse.. he accused me, joka/mabuse, dane while was playing with apricot and late...
wauw just wtf XD
timbo please do something
good, but lifetime ban outlaw while ur at it
It was just until 2022 at CB.
[22:18] <IGIGI> avi for 6v6 mix?

[22:19] <`BOBiBOi> dont have et anymore

[22:19] <`BOBiBOi> sry

[22:19] <IGIGI> what ?:D

[22:20] <`BOBiBOi> I've always said I would quit ET after the CG season 2 is over

And u still here ...
hes an admin of a 3on3 WORLD CUP in 10 years old game. he can do whatever he wants. get over with it
>not disabling avatars in comments
when i saw that it was the first and most annoying thing i noticed about cf4 :|
het is toch ook allemaal om te gieren dit
what would be nations cup (or worlds cup, whatever) without few cheaters in it
you missed the polish section.
msg me irc
just let them play lol...
Why are we highlighted :O?

it's almost 2k15 btw
U know but u havent a proof. Its like i knew that, most of people around base were cheating but we needed an awesome anticheats like cgac and still powerfull as fuck pb to prove it. They were allowed to play even if everybody noticed they are playing completly weird. Also there is only swiruz busted once before cybergamer, not like outlaw, 6 times in a row.
they just scared of best 3o3 team
DoubleDutchDragons are playin, no worries
przeciez ostatnio dostali 4:0 gladko jak jeszcze aplold nie czitowal :O
uzywki juz ci ostatnie resztki mozgu strawily
sorki, gladkie 3:1 maly zalosny kondomie. idz dalej marnuj zycie na gierki 3o3 w 10 letnia darmowa gre
No przecież tutaj już uploadi odpalony biegał więc o co chodzi :XD
wlaczyl dopiero na szfabow i po paru dniach poszedl banik
primo - w dupie mam jaki byl wynik w tej gierce bo nawet tam nie gralem
secundo - ten twoj idiotyczny komentarz tylko potwierdzil to co wczesniej napisalem jebany imbecylu
tertio - proponuje dostac bana, napisac ze w dupie masz et i po miesiacu wrocic na fejku
quatro - idz plakac ze timbolina wyjebal cie z cupa w 10 letniej darmowej gierce
1. to twoi przyjaciele z ktorymi teraz grasz. ridji bodajze wtedy byl 10 razy lepszy do ciebie
2. nie spinaj sie tak, idz ogladnij sobie jakas bajke aniime czy ki chuj to sie nazywa
3. nigdy nie pisalem o et w mojej dupie i wrocilem po paru miesiacach bo zwyczajnie sie przeprowadzilem i mialem nowego kompa i "neta"
4. nigdzie nie plakalem, mialem ochote jebnac z 6 meczykow w et po tak dlugiej przerwie i np dojebac takim nolajfom jak ty 4:0 i miec banana na twarzy.

pozdrawiam serdecznie i zycze dalszych sukcesow
tl;dr i tak jestes kretynem

co znaczy tl;dr i xoxo ?
Crossfire and ET community is cheater loving, deal with it. Not much you can do anymore and most certainly not much will be done.
the funny part is he is cheater loving too...
Was just a general note to everybody. What's funny is how you can approve cheaters but still whine about them.
yeye i got your point ;P
You still running around barking for attention?
cant we ban him
Well, you have my permission.
And my blessing!
just puked
When I read this, I remember what kind of retards in these days taking ET serious.
oh look ou another cheaterlover..
i dont know you who are you
why do you have to know people when responding to them... dafuq is that shit..
because you say cheaterlover, I dont know you
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