CF.CS ESEA Predicterino's

ESEA S17 Finals this weekend, starting in about 3 hours! Let's discuss/see what CF.CS thinks about it!

For myself, I am a massive iBUYPOWER fanboy so I'm hoping they will do a lot better compared to the very disappointing performance at DreamHack Winter. Ofcourse old member United States of America adreN stepping in to see if he can pull them back to glory a little bit. Atleast past groups would be nice again, hopefully since they are the champions of the last two ESEA Lans they can get a three in a row but after the latest roster changes my faith is somewhat shaken. *Crosses fingers*

Besides that maybe some things to get the ball rolling:
> Titan France KQLY replaced by coach France ioRek, so what to think about that?
> Can Germany mousesports perform at LAN for once? Even with Turkey gob b replacing Finland Allu who was mouz's star player.
> Can United States of America Cloud9 pick themselves up after a big disappointed on EU soil in the last months?
> Will United States of America Denial or United States of America eLevate be upsetting anything?
> Can Sweden fnatic win a tournament again as it doesn't have de_olofpass in the pool?
VP beats C9 in final
IBP first to get eliminated :XD
No JWonderchild hYpe this time floppit?
I hope fnatic will get smashed.

C9 to win it or VP? :D
VP already bit disapointing, typical stupid round losses xD
dat comeback tho :S
fnatic wins ofc

second best team there is VP probably

Without KQLY Titan is easily shut down

I think mouz can perform but they're still not a top team

and fnatic wins easily
indeed, thers always some/a new bug to exploit
mouz cant have theyr next level 3 awp setup now that gob b is playing ":D"
> Can United States of America Cloud9 pick themselves up after a big disappointed on EU soil in the last months?

they wasnt dissapointed, its how it goes, americans try hard,harder,harderer but they nevver was able to play against an EU team, ever. its has nothing to do about cs, but history.

thats all i have to share.
denial to upset, im pretty sure they can win against either ibp or mouz
c9 and titan losing in semis
fnatic to win obviously, this time facing vp in final
chrisJ is rather the star player within mousesports tbh
I put my skins on VP for CSGL predictions. I hope they win!
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