image: rttjn

We got our servers back online now
Europe hosted server running the Japanese masterpiece trickjump mod
that is JHmod. This mod allows you to save/load with angles and in separate save positions for the 5 classes.
It features /findmap which you can search a map /listmaps which lists all maps and /loadangles.
We got several !cmds too... Admins can use !gravity !speed !panzerwar ect. Configs can be set as trickjump and shooting.
You can use fieldops canister here too.
We restricted it so you can only use it as a tool for trickjump.


Over 100 maps to choose from and consistently being updated with new and old maps.
(BIG Thanks for the current sponsoring goes to Cpt. Schnoog!!)

OfficialFaceBook [ .// ]

image: 758683
good luck
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