GTX 460


so i recently bought a GTX460 Palit and i installed it into my pc. so i turn the pc on and then browsing and installing drivers, when i noticed my pc went full slowage mode. so you think that this GPU is too powerful/good for my pc ?
Before that GPU i had Radeon x1600 and was working perfectly.

my specs:
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+
RAM: 2x2 GB transcend
MOTHERBOARD: Gigabyte m720u
POWER: codegen 430 W

Shit cpu and power supply try to chang
450W is the minimum requirements for that GPU, did you also plug the 6 pin connections in?

I'd get a better PSU if I were you...
ye i did pluged in both 6pin connectors. everything was cool accept that whole pc went slow mode.
If you want I can send you my amd phenom 9550 quad core processor if you sponsor future lan with fee+10e. :p Should fit your motherboard just nice.

And yea it must be your PSU because thats some chinabomb and probably about to explode any minute you run it with your GTX460. In theory good quality PSU with 300W will do better than that codegen shit. Altho i don't know if PSU should slow down your system if it comes a bottleneck. I would still update it tho.

Eg. Super Flower 350w, Golden Green HX, 80Plus Gold this puts out almost double 12V ampers than your 430 watts. And generally 12V ampers is what you want to watch when you buy PSU. Would still get Super Flower 450w if you are looking to buy new one. Just incase you want to update something more. 450w should run newest systems without hazzle with semi good GPU in them. Never ever be cheaping with PSU's, thats my motto. Buy fkn chinabomb and whole system might burn thanks to that.
is that cpu much better than the one i currently have ? if you have it spare you can send it :D
More that twice as good, but you can get something newer for cheap now.
But back to the main thing you're best off getting a decent power supply. Once you spend the money on one you'll be set then.

I've gone down the route twice of buying cheap generic ones from a computer shop, one started smoking, the other one burnt my graphics card.
Its about twice faster in games and programs that can use more cores. And yea i got it spare and doubt i could get any money out of it anyway. Dunno how much posting would cost but its really just being useless last 3 years so if u wanna try it i might as well send it to you if post cost isn't too much.
well if you really dont need it you can send it. also try to look for info if i can pay the delivery, so i can at least pay for the shipping. PM
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