csgo movie?!

Hi lads I would like to try to make a csgo movie and since i lost all my demso cuz i formated my pc 3weeks ago and I forgot to put my demos on my external disk, Im in need of some material to work with^^ so I decided to ask some crossfire cs players if they r interested.

for more information just pm me here or on steam http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198013822718/

here is an example how it could looks like

I would start with the movie after my exams so around february
oh god oh lord oh no oh jesus
is die scheise dein ernst? haha no offence :>
halts maul haha no offence :>

nee lies was ich zu timbo geschrieben hab^^
Unfortunately this game is too boring to be watchable
so which game is watchable for u beside et? :D i know it isnt intense but i got the motivation for this so ye why not
Lol it was just a bait, I even played it for a while but as you said, not that intense. Quake/reflex is the way to go Imo. Anyway gl with ur movie.
is die scheise dein ernst? haha no offence :>
I guess we in Norway #Vj have some great frags, but how do you find them? look through all matches? :s
Or remember when/vs who you did some $!ck frags.
sick frags
fu its not about the frags :/ just wanted to show u quality and stuff so u can see that i wont just work with fraps or sth, im still practicin with "after efects" and with some more material i can even prac more for example sync with music and stuff, if u know what i mean but I got nothing since stupid formation :(
what fps are you recording and what fps in final clip?

turn of sampling, will make the motion blur better for the eyes :p (atleast in vegas its just option 'Disable sampling' dont know for aae)
the 1st ones with 60fps and the last one with 40fps

ok i will try it ty :)
woah, selfbust
nice "lifting" your mouse at 0:52 , 1:06 and everything from 1:27 onwards.
cu on VACation.
should people only submit frags vs eco rushes?
The intro is really nice, makes me wanna see the movie afterwards. But the frags and the song are just too, ugh, relaxing x) I guess with good material you could make an interesting movie.
Having a lot but not for noobs
The movie is too slow i guess, got shitload of demos tho, mb ill pm you, was looking for moviemaker anyway
Your editing is bloody awful, looks like an ET movie from 2004
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