csgo movie?!
15 Dec 2014, 16:56
Hi lads I would like to try to make a csgo movie and since i lost all my demso cuz i formated my pc 3weeks ago and I forgot to put my demos on my external disk, Im in need of some material to work with^^ so I decided to ask some crossfire cs players if they r interested.
for more information just pm me here or on steam http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198013822718/
here is an example how it could looks like
I would start with the movie after my exams so around february
for more information just pm me here or on steam http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198013822718/
here is an example how it could looks like
I would start with the movie after my exams so around february
nee lies was ich zu timbo geschrieben hab^^
turn of sampling, will make the motion blur better for the eyes :p (atleast in vegas its just option 'Disable sampling' dont know for aae)
ok i will try it ty :)
cu on VACation.