
Hey guys,

i will visit Beijing - so any recommendation for cool clubs/bars or other must see things ( not the usual things like Great Wall of China, forbidden city, Tiananmen, temple of heaven and so on...).

thanks in advance
crods mother.
1. Go out without an air mask
2. Take a swim in the nearby rivers
3. Get Cholera & Typhoid
4. ???
5. Profit

Dem Dirty Asians
Not like they will allow you to any places except these :D
Quoteforbidden city

image: giphy
China and North Korea aren't the same thing.
dont eat meat that they are selling on the street, could be anything !
Still meat.
Quoteany recommendation for cool clubs/bars

image: zvJwMkM
Alfa, An Club, Funky, Mesh. I can really recommend Funky, the prices for drinks are on the expensive range but it's a great high-end club. Really easy to pick up someone if that's your thing, too.
nice gay bars ;)
That's where I went, mate! Many straight folks too.
Hey Spu9,

I went to Beijing some weeks ago, here some advices for bars and clubs:
1. Temple Bar (Dada Bar is right next to it, gotta try both!:P)…/Bars_…/12524/Temple-Bar.html
There's a wine shop called CHEERS (a Swiss company) right on the other side of the street which sells really nice imported wines/champagnes at a really fair price. You can grab some predrinks there while chilling on its second floor and go clubbing at Temple and Dada afterwards.
2. MIX Club:
3. Vics:
(It's right on the opposite side of MIX; these two are probably the craziest for late-night clubbing.)
4. Atmosphere: it's the highest bar in Beijing, also very fancy. Really cool views up there, but you might consider clubbing somewhere else later.…/chinaworldsummitwing/dining/bar…
5. Kokomo: It's a fun party place
There's a bar street called Hou Hai (后海), and it's close to Temple Bar. So you can check them all out at one night. It's got nice view along the river, but most bars there are full of locals, so might be a bit boring.
I suggest that you do No.4, No.1 and Hou Hai for one night and No. 5,2,3 for another night, according to how close they are to each other.
Have fun and if you want to know some other things, feel free to contact me :)
thanks m8!
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